Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I enjoy the show. I do think it had changed since the conception. I hope that that Jon and Kate are doing the best for the kids. I think Cara is withdrawn and Maddy seems angry,but perhaps they would have these personalities anyway. I hope it all turns out well.

    Sherry Tellitocci

  • Okay, to sum this up, you people who don’t like like the show-don’t watch it. If you feel the need to critize the show, yell at the TV. Don’t come to these blogs and gab for no real reason and tell everyone there wrong. Who died and made you queen? The show is there so people can glimpse the lives of a home with twins and sextuplets. It’s not something you see every day, so let others enjoy it. Yes, they have tons of money. Think about what happens to most famous people within a year of becoming famous. They usually throw their lives away! So Jon and Kate are doing well for four years on TV. They definitly haven’t always been rich. When the sextuplets were first born, they had to except volenteers of the street, the twins could only go to school for 2 days a week because they couldn’t afford it, Kate couldn’t work, Jon was fired because no company could insure him, they had one car (no way to get all the babies to a doctor)and were practically living off donations. They didn’t have it easy at all. It can somtimes take hours to feed a baby, and especially if their sick. Now try doing it with six, plus two four-year-olds that can’t be ignored. It’s like running a day-care 24-7-365. They’ve seen both sides of the story.

  • I don’t by for a second that Jon and Kate are bringing in that much per episode as its been exploded all over the internet. I believe that maybe a few million a year but come on people, if Jon and Kate were REALLY bringing in that much, don’t you think Kate would have made Jon quit his job to be a full time dad to their kids?

  • Debbie/Chip and the rest…are you kidding me? Deb you actualy are comparing my children’s Halloween video which is viewed in the privacy of my home to the exploiters who let the entire nation watch their children sleep, poop, etc. there is NO comparison. Chip – the “don’t watch” line is getting old……..there are actually humans out there who care about exploitation. I suggest you look it up. Before you call me Hater, Jealous and all the other lines, let me get my head out of the toilet to hear you

  • I have just spent the last half hour reading all which has been written about this show. I have been watching for a long time and am fascinated with all aspects of it (i.e., Jim and Tammy Faye). Some of it sort of sad (Maddy’s unhappiness) but mostly joyful. The children are adorable, but Kate seems to be morphing into someone not very likable.
    I miss Aunt Jody and what must the previous owners of their new home feel like when Kate goes on and on about the filthy house? YIKES

  • Jackson, do I watch the show? Yeah I do, the last I knew to, he was working at home with computer since his job moved out of an office. I don’t obsess over the show like you may do, I don’t have time to sit down and watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE but Im saying Im ALOMST postive that they don’t get payed 36 million a year. Im actually going to see her speech this upcoming Saturday, maybe I should ask her exactly what her husban does?? I’ll let you know. 🙂

  • Oh And also people, Im sure you heard about the women who also delivered 8 babies? Well, on the Christian station which is who annouced where Kate will be at this Saturdaym they also said the show is getting canceled to film this persons life.

  • do we realize that the person that just had 8 babies using fertility drugs isnt married? this is all artificial and shes living on state aid…how can someone be alloweed to do that?

  • Jon and Kate’s job is now the show (“the show is our life and our life is the show”). The children have become the family business. Jon used to be an IT guy, was fired, was hired by the State, left that job to work for Bob Carson (husband of former friend Beth) so he could ‘make his own hours and work from home to have more time with the kids’, left Bob to throw himself into the ‘family business’.
    And TLC President Eileen O’Neill said offers have been made to Nadya Suleman about a show but they are waiting to see how TV friendly the family is before any contracts are signed.
    Insiders say many requests have been made to TLC to cancel Jon & Kate. Their fan base is huge but so are the haters and the haters have been scaring the advertisers with boycotts. Plus insiders also say that Kate’s diva persona has gone way out of control (she thinks she should be able to treat everyone the way she treats Jon), and producers, directors, crew, advertisers, are all getting sick of her. She’s calling up toy manufacturers trying to work out a deal. Yikes! I don’t want my grandkids playing with a Kate doll. What will it do? Run around screaming, yelling, cleaning, and organizing?

  • A wise person once said: When you judge and criticize others, you should look within yourself because you’ll probably see that your strong emotions are directed at yourself and not the other person at all.

    C’mon ladies, this woman has 8 children, she’s good to them, she has a loving husband. She’s trying to navigate her marriage in a territory most of us have never been. I bet all of us on here can see a little bit of Kate Gosselin in ourselves.

    Let he who has not sinned, throw the first stone…and cut people some slack.

  • AJ said it best out of all of you. I love this show and I think Jon and Kate do an amazing job with their kids:)
    I love watching how they show each other their love in their own ways. It’s not our place to judge.
    Keep it up!

  • I feel that everyone that is saying bad things about John and Kate need to STOP! John is a great father and husband and Kate is also a great mother, wife, and person. You people are saying that they have money and are rich and thats not the case! They have 8 kids to cloth, feed, and care for. Kate has 8 so yes she is tired and stressed at times but, what mother isn’t? They go on these trips and do alot of things for free because the company invites them there not because they can always afford them. You don’t know there situation so don’t speak negative about it.

  • I LOVE THIS SHOW! All of the people who continue to put this show down really need to look at themselves and see why they feel the need to find fault with everything this family does or doesn’t do. Jon and Kate are wonderful parents and the only thing they are guilty of is being great at their jobs of being parents. If Jon and Kate should happen to read this comment, please don’t listen to the idiots who have no clue what your life is all about and how you live your lives. Just remember their are more people who love your show and you and your precious babies. Continue to follow your hearts and just remember people really do think you are doing a great job. From one great mother to two great parents.

  • i reeeeeeaaaallllyyy hope the show doesn’t get canceled to film the octuplets mom. i mean, it would be cool if a nice couple wanted kids and had to use fertility drugs to become pregnat and ended up with the worlds first surviving set of octuplets! but that isn’t even close to what this woman did. she doesn’t have a husband or job and already has 6 other kids! thats just un-ethical. BTW, theres nothing wrong with having 6 other kids, but if you have 14 kids with no husband( and no job), its just wrong!octuplets are really cool, but the circumstances take half the glamour out of it. sometime jon and kates show will stop, but if its for that reason i cant see how that will make very many people happy.

  • I think it’s funny with all the negatives. I Have to Give it to Kate on the show she not sugar coating it she is being real. If you watch Jon and Kate in the comments they are the family next door. They love each other and love their children. You show me a family that sees eye to about everything. Before you toss out all the negative vibes look at your own life. I would love to see how a lot of people would do with a cameras in you business almost 24 7. Kate and Jon do it with Grace where a lot of us would just fall on our faces.

  • first of all, the duggars who total 20 built a beautiful house. it was a steel frame house in a kit. jimbob bought 2 house kits and they built it themselves and it is paid off. it cost way less than 200K and has 7k ft? and j and k ‘s house is 10 times the amount. there was no reason for that. the duggars have a beautiful home. i love the solid wood dining room table that they can all sit at the table together. they have heated floors, and it is fireproof as it can be. it sickens me that the kids go to school but they are going to move to this new multimillion dollar home and home school her children. isolating them so much more. they have every right to go to public school. they need to meet other children their own age to sharpen their communication skills. she is just to fussy and gripy to be teaching them all day. they need to go to public school. why not film till the little ones go to kindergarten and then stop filming. even cara puts her little hand up to the camera lens. then just do an yearly update special. people would want to watch it then to see how much the kids have grown.
    also, i don’t understand kate scrubbing that refridgerator for 4 hours on the refridgerator side not counting the freezer side. kate is so organic anal why didn’t she just donate it and get another one? why would she spend all day scrubbing, griping, b*******, moaning about how awful the refridge was. i think the reason why is she is tooo stingy and didn’t want to spend the money. if her and jon are going to churches pleading poverty and accepting the money gathered in their name from the plate, the Lord will deal with them on Judgment Day. He promised in His Word.
    is it true that jon partied with co=eds and was kissing and dancing with the coed’s? that is bad. i heard that he has moved out and moved in with his mother. i think it is horrible that kate has banned aunt jody and aunt beth from the show. she is just wanting more airtime so she can rake it in. kate will regret it one day. when the kids get older they will see the shows and remember exactly what happened.

  • I think Kate is a great mom. All moms get stressed sometimes- i have 6 kids incuding 2 sets of twins, so i cant imagine what its like with 8 kids- 6 of them being 5. Jon & Kate Plus 8 is a good show because it doesnt make anything seem any less worse or any more than what its really like with 8 kids. People should stop giving Kate crap about the way she is. I mean everyone says “Oh shes a ___” etc. But do you think you could do it with 8 kids? I dont think so. At least give her some credit for that

  • I have seen a couple of episodes, and feel that they are a normal family, living a very stressed lifestyle in order to provide for their many young children. If Kate is a diva, she deserves it. Any one that has ever had a two year old knows how hard it can be, imagine having six of them at once!!!!
    I do feel Kate is highly stressed as would be most mothers of eight children espeically when you take into consideration the ages. Goodness, I think Kate is a saint.
    I would like to remind everyone that you shouldnt judge someone unless you have walked in their shoes.
    They are doing the best for their large family.
    That is all they can do, their best. Good luck to the family, they are pretty amazing really.
    I am a mother of five and I can appreciate how stressed Kate must get.

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