This is a movie that every mom should see. Done as a documentary, this movie chronicles the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) journey of life partners Nicole Conn and Gwen Baba. They struggle to keep the balance between parenting their two-year old daughter Gabrielle and supporting their micro preemie, who is in the hospital, Nicholas.
If you have never been to the NICU, this movie will be an eye opening experience for you. Every parent that has given birth to a full term, healthy baby should experience the secret world of the NICU at least once.
My girlfriend found this movie on Rogers-on-demand and watched it a few weeks ago. After watching it she called me and told me how moved she was. Although she did have the oppurtunity to visit our son in the NICU, he was already 4lbs and almost out of danger. Seeing what we experienced, through the movie, made her realize how intense day to day life is when your child is born early.
Just watching the video on the movie’s website brought back all of the nervousness I felt when our child was born.
Little man is a must see. Get a box of kleenex – you’re going to need it!!
You may have to do some looking around in order to find this movie. Rogers on demand is no longer showing it and I couldn’t seem to find it at Blockbuster or Rogers video store.
The official website has it available for purchase if you still have no luck.
Little Man the Movie Official site
What an amazing movie. I was able to catch it on showtime.
I can’t imagine what these two women went through! Well done!