Pregnancy Pregnant Celebrities

Molly Sims Takes In The Coldplay Concert

A very pregnant Molly Sims was photographed leaving the Coldplay concert at the Hollywood bowl on Tuesday night.

The actress, who expects a baby in June, recently told that her weakness throughout this pregnancy has been desserts. She isn’t, however, stressed about the extra weight she might gain consuming them.

“It’s amazing because you know that old saying, ‘You’re just a stomach flu away from a size two?’ I’m 12 stomach flus away from a size two now and you know what? It’s okay,” she says.

With babies comes sleepless nights and Molly’s body is apparently preparing her for that a little early.

“I’m having trouble sleeping,” she admits. ”You go side to side, you put a pillow over, you put a pillow under. I’m surrounded by pillows and I put the air conditioner on 50.”

Like any new parent-to-be Molly and her husband Scott have concerns, but their excitement exceeds their nervousness.

“My girlfriend was asking yesterday if I was nervous and I’m totally nervous because it’s the unknown — it’s something that you don’t know,” she explains. ”I am a little nervous about the delivery and breastfeeding. I hope I can do it, I hope we come through. I am so excited to meet him and just hold his hand.”


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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