
Moms Say The Darndest Things

I am currently on vacation with my hubby and kids. I guess the baby is bigger than his age because every person I run into gasps when I say he’s only four and a half months.

Last night while out at an upscale restaurant here at the resort the hostess struck up a conversation with me that clearly was not meant for the front door of a dining establishment.

Here’s how it went:

H – Your baby is so cute. How old is he?
Me – Thank you! He’s four and a half months.
H – Oh… OHHHH (her putting 2 and 2 together that he is a big boy for his age) Wow! Are you breast feeding?
Me – Yes.
H – How big was he when he was born?
Me – 8lbs 9ozs
H – Was that a vaginal birth or C-section?
Me – Uhhh (a little surprised – other people are starting to look on now) Vaginal.
H – Well sweetie I hope you weren’t too proud to get the needle. Having a baby that big vaginally could really hurt.
Me – Yes and yes.

At this point we are now heading to our table. My husband turns to me and says, “Did she just ask you if you delivered the baby vaginally?”

“Yes”, I say “I think she was just being friendly.”

My friends will tell you that I am very open about my childbirth experience, but I’m pretty sure this is the most frank conversation I have had about it with someone I have only known for 30 seconds.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


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