Shooshoos, a company based in South Africa, offers an extensive selection of soft soled shoes designed to fit infants from birth up to 24 months.
Their flexible sole baby shoes come in cute styles like white polka dotted ballet flats for girls and suede sandals for boys.
With no buckles, laces or zippers, these shoes are not fashionable, but they are practical and comfortable.
Great features:
- Elasticized ankle
- Non-slip soles
- 100% Nappa leather
- No laces to trip over
- Non-toxic dyes
- All cotton thread and lining
GIVEAWAY: One of our readers will win a pair of these adorable shoes (size and style of your choosing)
To enter our giveaway please e-mail us at giveaways@growingyourbaby.com , with the subject ‘ Shooshoos’ and tell us what pair you like the best.
Giveaway closes Thursday August 7th, 2008