Designed by Amanda Jenner, a mother of three, the My Carry Potty is a brilliantly designed potty for families on the go. Made from the highest quality, durable plastic, the My Carry Potty features a lid that snaps shut and results in a completely leak-proof case. Perfect for those occasions when your little one just has to go, but there is no toilet in sight! More hygienic than other potties on the go and without the need for extra disposable bags the My Carry Potty is more earth-friendly as well. This clever potty comes completely assembled and ready to go.
The My Carry Potty comes in bright primary colors, making it attractive to toddlers. As well, a small handle makes it easy for toddlers to tote their own potty with them.
Whether you need a potty for on the go, at home, or both, the My Carry Potty is the only potty your little one will ever need!
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