In a heart-breaking incident, a dog walker stumbled upon a newborn baby girl abandoned in a shopping bag by the roadside Newborn Baby Found in Shopping Bag on London Roadside. The unnamed hero found the baby wrapped in a towel inside the bag at the intersection of Greenway and High Street South, Newham on Thursday when the temperatures dropped below freezing.
The dog walker kept the newborn warm until paramedics arrived. Thankfully, the baby was unharmed and is now under the care of hospital staff. However, authorities are deeply concerned about the welfare of the baby’s mother, who must have gone through a traumatic experience giving birth.
Newham’s Chief Superintendent, Simon Crick, urged the newborn’s mother to seek immediate medical attention, assuring her that the baby is safe and well. Trained medics and specialist officers are ready to provide support if she contacts the authorities.
“Trained medics and specialist officers are ready to support her and we urge her to get in touch by phone or walk in to the nearest hospital or police station,” Crick said. “If you are the baby’s mother please know that your daughter is well, no matter what your circumstances please do seek help by dialling 999.”
This incident highlights the importance of being observant and thinking quickly if you come across something that’s not normal. The dog walker’s vigilance saved the newborn’s life. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident, as this marks the third abandoned infant found in Newham since 2019.
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