
Oprah Speaks With Jon And Kate Plus 8

Today was a bit chaotic on the Oprah Winfrey show. The talk show host was joined by my favorite TV couple and their 8 children.

Jon and Kate Gosselin, along with their twins, Cara and Mady and sextuplets Hannah, Joel, Leah, Collin, Alexis and Aaden sat down with Oprah to discuss life with two sets of multiples.

Many of you know the family from their TLC show ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’, which airs every Monday night.

In 2000, Kate gave birth to twin girls, Cara and Mady. Then, the couple decided to try for one more child.

“We got a little more than we bargained forā€”we got six more,” Kate says. “We’re considered a fertility nightmare.”

At 5 weeks gestation, Kate had a feeling there was more than one baby growing inside of her.

“As soon as they flashed the ultrasound screen, I saw too many circles to count,” she says. “I was thinking, ‘These cannot be babies. There’s too many.’ I instantly went into shock.”

Jon’s reaction:

“He was close to tears, which he’s usually very silent and strong,” Kate says. “I thought, ‘Now we’re really in trouble.’ ā€¦ It sounds funny now, but at the time, our whole lives just flashed before our eyes.”

Even knowing how draining – emotionally and financially – raising eight children would be but Jon and Kate say they never considered reducing the number of fetuses in the womb.

“When we went in for that [fertility] appointment, I said to them every time, ‘Really be careful with us, because we’re not doing that ever. It’s not for us,'” she says. “Actually, right before that ultrasound, the last thing I said to [the doctor] was, ‘Whatever you’re giving me, we’re taking.'”

On May 10th 2004 at an amazing 30 weeks gestation, in just three minutes the couple welcomed Alexis Faith, weighing 2 pounds, 11.5 ounces, Hannah Joy, 2 pounds, 11 ounces; Aaden Jonathan, 2 pounds 7.5 ounces; Collin Thomas, 3 pounds 0.5 ounces; Leah Hope, 2 pounds 14.8 ounces, and Joel Kevin, 2 pounds 9.7 ounces.

Now that the sextuplets are almost 4, the busy mom spends most of her time cooking healthy, organic meals for her family of 10.

“My day is make a meal, serve a meal, clean up a meal, clean up everything, wipe this one, change that one, deal with this one,” she says

Kate’s day by the numbers:

  • she runs the dishwasher two or three times a day
  • uses about 1,200 paper plates every month
  • do at least two loads a day, with the most being five a day

It took two days, six suitcases and three carry-ons to get the Gosselins from Pennsylvania to Chicago. When they travel, Kate says she fills luggage with treats, blankets, Crayons and toys to keep the kids busy during the flight. “Take tons of food,” she says. “That’s my secret for everything. When they’re cranky, just feed them.”

I love Kate’s no nonsense approach to motherhood. The kids don’t get away with anything in fact the couple says that “timeouts are as normal as blinking.”

They may be out of the “terrible 2” phase, but Kate says the sextuplets’ behavior has not improved. In fact, it’s gotten worse. “Actually, 3s are rougher for us than 2s,” she says. “Didn’t you know? Three is the new 2.”

If you would like to read more about the interview. Please visit Oprah’s site.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I love what you both do everyday . I see am not the only one who loves kids . At this time am will have my 4th one in 6 weeks . My oldest is 2 days younger than the six lol . She love seeing them . I think it is b/c they are just like her . She can not keep still at all . Well when you can I hope you can get back to me .

    bye TTYL

  • Hello there! I am just writing, along with the hundreds of other people a day, to say that I love your show. I love to watch how you two handle situations with your children and find myself relating to your problems, struggles, joys and dispairs. I can only relate to a certain point, though, seeing as I am a mother of 3 and not 8. lol. My son Benjamin is 7.5, my 2nd is Alexander who’s 4.5 and my daughter Reilly is 9 months. Your show is great and although it SEEMS like you and your husband get on each other’s nerves a lot (ha ha) I know how that is as well, and I’m sure they do a lot of editing to make the show as “interesting” as they can. One simple question I have, is, how old are you and Jon? I know Jon has to be 30 or 31 since you had a show on him turning 30. Just curious! Since I am 31, I was wondering if you were around the same age!…Please try and have some speaking engagements on Long Island in NY!!! You have a ton of fans here and so many would love to hear from you. Thanks for your show and good luck with your kids. They are beautiful children, by the way!!

    ~Tara D.

  • Jon & Kate,

    I absolutely love your show and Thank you for welcoming us all into your home. I look forward to watching every week. I have raised my three boys. They have all left home but the youngest and he is 18. My other two are 22 and 20. I thought that was hard until I seen you with 8. I love the way you have that no nonsense way about you Kate. You obviously dont take any crap! You both seem like wonderful, loving parents. God Bless!

  • Jon & Kate, Love, Love, Love your family and your TV show. Your sweet, beautiful children make me smile and laugh aloud. I am a grandmother of six – 3 boys and 3 girls of all different ages and would feel overwhelmed with all of them at once. You two are an inspiration to all young, married couples with children, as you have found humor in your marriage, your personalities mesh well, and your love shines through in the dealings of your everyday life with the twins and the sextuplets. I wish you all the best and always, always look forward to watching your 8 gosselins grow

  • God bless your beautiful family. Being alone most of the time, I feel vicariously the joy that children bring to a home through viewing your day-to-day life. Your children are a delight – intelligent, loving and totally adorable little individuals. And I love seeing how you both cope – the love you have for each other comes through very clearly and without this mutual love and respect, it would be impossible to creat a loving home for these wonderful children.

  • Hey I love the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is my all time favorite show in the whole entire world!!!! The kids are so cute! There show is so awesome!!!!!!!!!

  • I have just started watching this adorable show and I have never laughed so hard. Jon and Kate are doing a FANTASTIC job raising these cute children. If I’m in a bad mood, I turn on their show and it lifts my spirts every time. Thank you SO much for making me laugh.

    Also, I love how Kate and Jon get along. They crack me up.

  • Hi Jon and Kate and the Fabulous 8,
    I love the show. I especially love the Valentine’s Day episode. It was nice that Kate wanted to make sure the kids understood what Valentines day meant which is to show eachother what love Truely is. I love how Kate is so orderly and cares for all her children deeply. I can see myself in her shoes. Ever since I watched the show, I am trying be more patient with my 2 kids. I have a 5 year old girl and almost 2 year old boy and I love them dearly. Since I work all the time its hard to spend quality time with them, but a mother does what she has to do with her family. JON AND KATE ” You are my ultimate IDOL” God Bless you guys and your wonderful family.

  • I love the show and watch it everyday on TLC, but WHY hasn’t anyone mentioned the AWFUL way Kate talks to Jon? Yeah, we all know she has 8 kids – so does Jon. He doesn’t talk to her like garbage, unless it’s in response to HER verbal attacks. I am embarrassed that she “represents” Christian women in this belittling way. If she doesn’t watch it, she might be raising these kids on her own because Jon will get sick and tired of being spoken to like a moron – and he’ll sign his walking papers. Watch it, Kate – you’ve got an awesome husband and you’re a Christian – speak like one.

  • Hey i love your show even though i’m olny 12! I think your kids are the cuteist! I find it so coll that they all have there own personalitys! I always watch your show my two brothers and two sisters love watching it! I also know what its like to have a big family! Well hope you right back!

    From your biggest fan Brookey! (Brooke)

  • Dear Jon and Kate:

    No one can pretend to really KNOW the emotional taxing that takes place daily in your lives w/ 8 little ones.

    I’m 45 and married twice. I now have been married 23 years to the love of my life.


    It’s hard to coordintate a sitter for a few hours but having just a dinner out once a week….SHOWS eachother how much you WANT TO BE TOGETHER…you can LISTEN (not argue >:/ . . . about EACHOTHERS DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS.. HAVE 2 DRINKS EACH AND …T A L K šŸ™‚ AND S M I L E šŸ™‚ AND KISS AND LISTEN TO EACHOTHER…NOTHING ELSE SHOULD MATTER…KEEP SHOP TALK TO JUST 10 MINUTES OF YOUR PRECIOUS TIME TOGETHER…YOU CAN TALK SHOP HOLDING EACHOTHER IN BED.

    I’m a strongwilled capable mom/women . . MY guy…. talked me into LEAVING…”JUST THE TWO OF US”….all the time….. NOW …I LOVE HEARING “JUST US TWO”

    TO KATE: There more than one way to get things done…you need to let go more often of the need to be very orginzed and perfect…. IT MAKES STRESS…FOR EVERYONE… and COULD COST YOU YOUR HUSBANDS LOVE AND YOUR…..MARRIAGE…be careful Kate. A dominering wife emasculate the mans ego…. that’s a hurtful, hurtful thing.

    Kate…I KNOW you like being right……but at what cost????? Love your man….be nice girl…. (:-)

  • hi!!! jon and kate , I AM A 65year old handicap lady , your parenting inspires me.Kate you are really pretty jon is really lucky.your really lucky to have beautiful kids , especially Aeden and hannah.

  • Dear Jon, Kate, Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel.

    Hello my name is Courtney I’m your biggest fan, but I’m only 11 years old. I can’t live a day without seeing someone in your family. I know everything about your family, I love your family so much that I’m writing a book about (it’s facts).Know one in your family is my favorite I love everyone the some. My dream is to meet your family. I dream that I can meet your family, when I moew the grass I dream that I’m driving to meet you. If you don’t belive that I’m your biggest fan read what’s nexts. Kate you are 2 years older then Jon, and you write with your left hand. Jon you do your best to keep up with his high-energy family, and does enjoy snowboard. Cara Nicole born at 5:51p.m., and very caring with the babies. Madelyn (Mady) Kate born at 5:57p.m., and loves to perform. Alexis Faith nickname “Sassy” and loves reptiles.Hannah Joy nickname “Hannie”, and is momys helper. Aaden Jonathon receding in hairline “going bald”, and a different animal everyday. Collin Thomas stubbern but lovable, and likes to gather thing that are the same in color-shape-sizes. Leah Hope is the tinnest of the family, and talkative. Joel Kevin is close to Hannah and Leah, and he keeps to himself. My dream is to meet you if you could write me back or at least let me meet you I’d be the happyist person in the whole world.

  • You are a wonderful family. I only have two children and still wonder to this day how I will get through, but then I see your show and everything just seems to work itself out. I love my family and work hard at it, but I have never seen anyone work as hard with a family as you both have. I thank you for all you have shoen everyone. Thanks again

  • I love this show!! The kids are so cute! God bless Kate and Jon for all that they do! Your kids are wonderful!! How so remember all their names?!

  • I have been fascinated by your family. I raised three children (no multiples). I felt overwhelmed at times. I can’t imagine being in your shoes!

    I am curious why none of the biological grandparents are involved in your lives? Would you mind sharing what that is about?

    Best wishes every day for each one of you!

  • I am a mother of three and work a full-time job and am exhausted by the end of the day. Your show is very inspirational to me and it gives me a reality check that you have 5 more than I do and to stop being a whiner!LOL! Your children are beautiful and I really think the job you do with them is wonderful, I especially like that your lives have a religious background because in this day and age you need something you can cling to when times are tough. Keep doing what your doing!

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