
Oprah Speaks With Jon And Kate Plus 8

Today was a bit chaotic on the Oprah Winfrey show. The talk show host was joined by my favorite TV couple and their 8 children.

Jon and Kate Gosselin, along with their twins, Cara and Mady and sextuplets Hannah, Joel, Leah, Collin, Alexis and Aaden sat down with Oprah to discuss life with two sets of multiples.

Many of you know the family from their TLC show ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’, which airs every Monday night.

In 2000, Kate gave birth to twin girls, Cara and Mady. Then, the couple decided to try for one more child.

“We got a little more than we bargained for—we got six more,” Kate says. “We’re considered a fertility nightmare.”

At 5 weeks gestation, Kate had a feeling there was more than one baby growing inside of her.

“As soon as they flashed the ultrasound screen, I saw too many circles to count,” she says. “I was thinking, ‘These cannot be babies. There’s too many.’ I instantly went into shock.”

Jon’s reaction:

“He was close to tears, which he’s usually very silent and strong,” Kate says. “I thought, ‘Now we’re really in trouble.’ … It sounds funny now, but at the time, our whole lives just flashed before our eyes.”

Even knowing how draining – emotionally and financially – raising eight children would be but Jon and Kate say they never considered reducing the number of fetuses in the womb.

“When we went in for that [fertility] appointment, I said to them every time, ‘Really be careful with us, because we’re not doing that ever. It’s not for us,'” she says. “Actually, right before that ultrasound, the last thing I said to [the doctor] was, ‘Whatever you’re giving me, we’re taking.'”

On May 10th 2004 at an amazing 30 weeks gestation, in just three minutes the couple welcomed Alexis Faith, weighing 2 pounds, 11.5 ounces, Hannah Joy, 2 pounds, 11 ounces; Aaden Jonathan, 2 pounds 7.5 ounces; Collin Thomas, 3 pounds 0.5 ounces; Leah Hope, 2 pounds 14.8 ounces, and Joel Kevin, 2 pounds 9.7 ounces.

Now that the sextuplets are almost 4, the busy mom spends most of her time cooking healthy, organic meals for her family of 10.

“My day is make a meal, serve a meal, clean up a meal, clean up everything, wipe this one, change that one, deal with this one,” she says

Kate’s day by the numbers:

  • she runs the dishwasher two or three times a day
  • uses about 1,200 paper plates every month
  • do at least two loads a day, with the most being five a day

It took two days, six suitcases and three carry-ons to get the Gosselins from Pennsylvania to Chicago. When they travel, Kate says she fills luggage with treats, blankets, Crayons and toys to keep the kids busy during the flight. “Take tons of food,” she says. “That’s my secret for everything. When they’re cranky, just feed them.”

I love Kate’s no nonsense approach to motherhood. The kids don’t get away with anything in fact the couple says that “timeouts are as normal as blinking.”

They may be out of the “terrible 2” phase, but Kate says the sextuplets’ behavior has not improved. In fact, it’s gotten worse. “Actually, 3s are rougher for us than 2s,” she says. “Didn’t you know? Three is the new 2.”

If you would like to read more about the interview. Please visit Oprah’s site.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • hey jon and kate,
    my whole family gets a kick out of your show, your kids are so cute, and we love watching you all. i hope you contitiue to make it for at least a few more years.

  • Hey Jon and Kate i absolutly LOVE your show!! Your kids are soo cute and funny!! I woould love to meet you because i live very close to you!! I think Mady and Cara are a huge help with the babies. I am one of 8 children myself and agree that it gets crazy but its fun having everyone around. I am the oldest at 14 and have taken plenty of babysiting classes so if ever you need someone please call me.. Thank you for reading this!!

  • Kate is so rude to Jon that I no longer enjoy watching the show. My children have noticed that Jon does all the work and Kate just insults him. This show should be taken off the air. So what, you have eight kids. Deal with them on your own!!

  • I love this show. I am a grandmother raising 2 young children 5 days a week. (I had twins too!) I know how tired I am at the end of the day so I can only imagine how tired they must be! I do however have 2 concerns. One, Kate is often very hard on Jon. I think if she watches the shows she will see that he really isn’t such a disconnected husband and father. I think he does more than she gives him credit for. Things can not always be the way we want them. Patience is virtue. Secondly, I was disturbed by some of the comments lately about places they have been invited to. For instance, when they were recently at the Strasburg Railroad they were on a train where the man on the train gave a talk about the history of the Strasburg experience. Jon and Kate were, I felt, very rude when they talked about it on tv. I’m sure the man on the train, who was just doing his job, was probably very embarrassed by what they said. I notice that they always get special treatment wherever they go (such as a private train ride at Strasburg and behind the scenes tour at Sesame Place and the Pittsburg Zoo) but are maybe becoming too used to the special treatment and becoming less appreciative of the opportunities that are being granted to their family, at probably no cost to them. I really do love the show and will be upset the day they take it off air. I just would like to hear them be more appreciative of all they are given. And God bless Jodi! Everyone needs a relative like her! Do Jon and Kate ever do anything special for her? They should be very appreciative of Jodi and all she does for them. Such a nice lady who obviously loves kids.

  • I absolutely love the show. It bothers me so much to see negative comments about kate and/or any of the family members. i dont think there is one person that has commented here that can relate to what kate has gone through. eight kids, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… that is A LOT of work. take a walk in her shoes and see if your opinion changes. of course she gives jon a hard time… are you trying to tell me that you dont give your husband/wife/significant other a hard time?- everyone is guilty of this. the only difference is, is that you arent admirable enough to have your own tv show to show what hardships you go through.
    as for kates neighbor- i cant say i exactly blame the family for their choice of displaying those signs. although they might not be the friendliest message you were hoping to see, can you blame them for not wanting a variety of people from all around stopping to talk to the parents and their children? yes, they chose to have their lives publicized on television, but they did not chose to open a door for anyone to stop by and intrude. the point of this reality show is to depict the life they live everyday like other families, yet with 8 children insrea of the stereotypical 2 children. althought contreversial to many, it is a privelegive to be given a glimpse into the lives of the gosselins via TLC’s reality show. yet this does not mean that we are given an invitation into their lives to the fullest.
    i look at those children and think how lucky they are to have parents that adore them to the utmost. it is so fortunate that they now have sponsors and fans that are willing to contribute to their fortune and make donations to this family to help them experience things they would never be able to experience on their own with 8 children (i.e.- disney world, skiing, etc.). instead of being bitter that they are the ones that are loved by so many that they are able to provide for their children and make things enjoyable, we should be happy that there are still good people out there that are still concerned about the well being of others and are willing to give a little in order for others to live a little.
    god bless….

  • I am not sure who Kate thinks she is, but she is the most abrasive person I have met… is all about her and her wants and wishes. When you have kids, it is not about you anymore. Also, if I hear her cut down on Jon one more time, I am going to explode. GET A LIFE and raise a family like the rest of America. Kate and her issues need to be taken off the air. Every event, trip and outing is all about her. What a horrendous example for her kids. Also, when does Jon ever get to complete a sentence? Her kids will grow up into a false reality of volunteers and seeing her Mom as a lazy complainer. Enough already!

  • I’m trying to be fair, but this is getting out of hand! I’ve seen some epidsodes from the beginning until now, and I can’t bear to watch anymore. Kate needs to invest some money in getting help with the house and kids on a daily basis. The constant nagging about Jon is too much. The marriage may be working now, but the bad feelings will accumulate, there’s only so much a guy can take. And I’m not sure what kind of respect the kids will have for him later on. She’s turned this into all about her, and it’s too irritating to stand anymore. It’s like watching a train wreck. I’m sure you’re getting paid something for this, so, please, for the kids sake…use some of it for help.

  • This show has gone on for far too long. These people need to get a grip on reality. Kate is the biggest Witch and treats everyone like crap. She should actually try to raise her kids herself and not let others do it for her. I just finished watching their trip to NC, where the showed themselves as truly ignorant people. It is time to pull the plug on Jon & Kate.

  • Easy people! Try not to judge Jon and Kate since you only know them through a TV show, the whole point of which is that they love their family. Every family has some problems but its how you stick together and grow that defines you. The negative people out there seem to feel the need to put other people down to make themselves feel better. Its sad really…

  • I actually am new and catching up on past episodes of the show. I believe that as a viewer of the show we must remember that not everything is shown on the TV. As a mother of 3 myself, I know how exhausted a full time mother can be at the end of the day. I noticed that on the show they often show Jon running around doing this and that and caring for the kids clothes, beds, and such. However, being a mom,I know that in the background Kate is cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and such. Apparently Jon and Kate split the household responsibilities and we mainly see the things Jon does. Kate has them all day and so I am sure when Jon is home from work he wants to bond with them as well. I think that having the show and putting their lives out there is admirable. I wouldn’t want the world to see my house when it is messy, my attitude when I am tired, my family arguments etc. But any money they make I am sure helps their kids in the long run. Clothes, toys, trips, meals etc. the list goes on. On their own this would nearly be impossible. They are probably putting back money for the childrens’ educations too.
    About the yard signs, and private (rude to some) behavior, I believe this is for safety. With the kids being on TV, think of all the strange ones out there who might want to snatch one?????? I am sure Kate is always worried about that. I can imagine that when people see her outside sitting or relaxing–they think she is lazy. But I can imagine that she has just finished a bundle of laundry and her mind and body needs a break.
    As far as her attitude toward Jon..
    When I think back to when my kids were little, I can recall taking out the days frustration on my husband when he arrived home. It was as if I felt HE HAD A BREAK today because at least he got to leave and go to work! SILLY yes–realistic YES. I remember fussing about this and that–and now looking back–I do feel bad sometimes. But when I ask my husband about this he says he ALWAYS felt bad because he was able to leave the house and have lunch out and talk to other adults, all the while knowing I was trapped at the house. So he was glad to pitch in more when he was at home.
    Give this couple a break and also give them credit for doing a great job. I love that they mention that they are NOT perfect and are doing their best to raise their children in a loving home. Kate and Jon, keep it up! Yes Kate they are growing up quickly and before you know it, those little ones will be caring for you and Jon. Can you imagine if all 8 have 2 kids? Lets see 16 grandkids or more and all the same ages–better get used to all the turmoil!

  • Kate I just want you to know that I talk to my husband the exact same way you do!! It does not mean I dont love him or dont respect him, give me a break. I have three boys – they are VERY active, and I dont have time to be politically correct when one of them is running off possibly about to get hurt – I need my husband to understand that moment the urgency of what I need – it is always in the best interest of the child – the best part about being in a partnership w/ your spouse is you can be real – even if that comes across as “cold” or “degrating” whatever someone would like to call it. My husband knows I love him and respect him. He also doesnt spend as much time with our three children as I do – I can see danger or a disaster coming before him and I dont care if someone is staring at me in public because I screamed at my husband to hurry up and grab one of my children who may be running into the street. I am a stay at home mom who at one time had a 3 yr old, a 1 1/2 yr old, and a new born. By time my husband came home I was emotionally as well as physically drained – covered in whatever. I dont care what anyone says – there is a difference between watching children and RAISING children. We are raising children – PEOPLE for goodness sake – keep up the good work. My husband and I enjoy watching you and Jon be real with each other – we laugh when you guys remind us of ourselves. No offense to Jon but he has been cranky too but as usual they always pick on the woman – I wouldnt watch if you guys were fake and mushy w/ each other. Just try and relax a little bit more when it comes to the cleaning and stuff – I used to be the same way. I spent every second making sure everything was perfect – scrubbing, organizing etc. I do understand i have 3 and you have 8 but one day I said you know what? I am going to play with and enjoy my kids. The house will be a mess again tomorrow for me to clean. Let them be kids. It goes by SOOO FAST!!!! They are now 10, 8 1/2 and 6 1/2. My house is still a mess….Oh and as for the fans that want to meet you guys and stuff – no wonder you have those signs – thats really creepy.

  • To the peeps with the negitive attitudes towards Jon and Kate you need to back off.Seems to me you are a bit jealous and have way to much time on your hands.Who are you? Are you perfect?You only see a small bit of this families life.I think they are amazing parents and do the best they can with what God has given them.Why don’t you trash stars like Tom and Katie Curise/holmes their 2 year old Suri is still on a bottle!Anyway you get the picture.God bless them and shame on you negitive people.

  • Looks like the sponsors will be pulling out from the show this year. YEAH!!! Google “aunt jodi’s sister’s blog” You will see Aunt Jodi on there verifying everything in the National Enquirer and what her sister has said all along about Jon and Kate. How they Kate, got mad at Oprah for not giving them more stuff. Kate also got irritated at Ellen.. Cmon. Making fun of Pennsylvania in one of their episodes is ridiculous considering the good people of pa paid for their babies with their taxes. Jon didn’t work. Please go to the site….

  • Bobbi Ahn,

    I’m not jealous, I’m ashamed to be part of the human race with them. How can I be jealous of someone who has cameras in their faces 24/7? I love reading a good book alone and enjoying my privacy(no amount of $$$ will keep me from that). Especially after a busy day at work. Which “real” people do in the “real world” not like on ‘REALlity tv”. Wonder if J and K even remember what going to work is like? Now I do talk about Tom and Katie too…but let’s face Jon and Kate put themselves in the same as them. Anyone see the new US weekly with a J and K paparazzi pic? There you go. And they love every second of it. More exposure = more free = stuff they can later resale. As for seeing a “small bit” J and K have admitted to have cameras there 365 days a year. And TLC isn’t a trashy channel and would try to make this family out to be a loving family as they do with the Duggars and Roloffs…but J and K bickering is the best they can come up with? Makes me wonder what they are editing out.

  • Um, Scribbles, you need to do a bit more research. Aunt Jodi’s sisters blog contains a video of Aunt Jodi verifying what her sister wrote, NOT the nat’l enquirer article. I also believe that anyone who spends their time complaining about not being paid, etc. is just as guilty as all of those who are. I mean, how is it that it’s okay for Jodi to get paid. These hate sites try to disguise themselves as pro-children sites who are against exploitation, yet they complain that Jodi should get paid AND they complain that there is too much storyline about J & K. HELLO????? You can’t have it both ways haters! Grow up and find another hobby!

  • I also live in the same development as Jon and Kate. Kate has always been miserable. Yes, she lied about not having any help. She has MANY volunteers that tend to the children. You do not see that on the show. I also have to agree with the above poster. You will NEVER see Kate interact with the children ( other than on the t.v. program), it is always the care givers who are running about and tending to those children. The signs around their home is also true.
    Jon used to be very friendly. They are able to afford the home they are in and their life style because the show paid off their mortgage as well as purchased their van they drive.

  • I love John and Kate plus Eight despite whatever Shelly and to Scribbles say.Your just jealous because they are better people than you’ll ever be. I admire Kate and Jon for staying married and staying true to each other.You take Jon and Kate plus eight off the air and you lose millions of veiwers.You think people are only watching it for the kids NO maybe some people are having trouble with their marriage and want to know how John and Kate do it with all those kids.Others watch it for advise and ammusement.So shut it Scribbles.

  • Again SHUT IT to scribbles John and Kate plus Eight is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!Sure Kate and Jon have help but you need it when you have eight children. Huh..I’d like to see you try. So if your reading this message and your the producers of Jon and Kate plus eight WEll… KEEP IT ON AIR. I’ve been to IPOP (international presentation of permformers) in Los Angelos Hollander and Hertzburg Productions are my agencies along with JRP St. Louis so you shut it down and someone else it going to pick it up. PLEASE KEEP IT ON AIR!!!!!

  • I’m 10 years old and Your show Rocks everytime I see Madie and Cara I think of my family. Wow I wonder how they do it! Your family is precious! I admire kate man that must of meant major stretch marks. LUV THE SHOW!

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