
Oprah Speaks With Jon And Kate Plus 8

Today was a bit chaotic on the Oprah Winfrey show. The talk show host was joined by my favorite TV couple and their 8 children.

Jon and Kate Gosselin, along with their twins, Cara and Mady and sextuplets Hannah, Joel, Leah, Collin, Alexis and Aaden sat down with Oprah to discuss life with two sets of multiples.

Many of you know the family from their TLC show ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’, which airs every Monday night.

In 2000, Kate gave birth to twin girls, Cara and Mady. Then, the couple decided to try for one more child.

“We got a little more than we bargained for—we got six more,” Kate says. “We’re considered a fertility nightmare.”

At 5 weeks gestation, Kate had a feeling there was more than one baby growing inside of her.

“As soon as they flashed the ultrasound screen, I saw too many circles to count,” she says. “I was thinking, ‘These cannot be babies. There’s too many.’ I instantly went into shock.”

Jon’s reaction:

“He was close to tears, which he’s usually very silent and strong,” Kate says. “I thought, ‘Now we’re really in trouble.’ … It sounds funny now, but at the time, our whole lives just flashed before our eyes.”

Even knowing how draining – emotionally and financially – raising eight children would be but Jon and Kate say they never considered reducing the number of fetuses in the womb.

“When we went in for that [fertility] appointment, I said to them every time, ‘Really be careful with us, because we’re not doing that ever. It’s not for us,'” she says. “Actually, right before that ultrasound, the last thing I said to [the doctor] was, ‘Whatever you’re giving me, we’re taking.'”

On May 10th 2004 at an amazing 30 weeks gestation, in just three minutes the couple welcomed Alexis Faith, weighing 2 pounds, 11.5 ounces, Hannah Joy, 2 pounds, 11 ounces; Aaden Jonathan, 2 pounds 7.5 ounces; Collin Thomas, 3 pounds 0.5 ounces; Leah Hope, 2 pounds 14.8 ounces, and Joel Kevin, 2 pounds 9.7 ounces.

Now that the sextuplets are almost 4, the busy mom spends most of her time cooking healthy, organic meals for her family of 10.

“My day is make a meal, serve a meal, clean up a meal, clean up everything, wipe this one, change that one, deal with this one,” she says

Kate’s day by the numbers:

  • she runs the dishwasher two or three times a day
  • uses about 1,200 paper plates every month
  • do at least two loads a day, with the most being five a day

It took two days, six suitcases and three carry-ons to get the Gosselins from Pennsylvania to Chicago. When they travel, Kate says she fills luggage with treats, blankets, Crayons and toys to keep the kids busy during the flight. “Take tons of food,” she says. “That’s my secret for everything. When they’re cranky, just feed them.”

I love Kate’s no nonsense approach to motherhood. The kids don’t get away with anything in fact the couple says that “timeouts are as normal as blinking.”

They may be out of the “terrible 2” phase, but Kate says the sextuplets’ behavior has not improved. In fact, it’s gotten worse. “Actually, 3s are rougher for us than 2s,” she says. “Didn’t you know? Three is the new 2.”

If you would like to read more about the interview. Please visit Oprah’s site.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I love to watch the show. Yeah I think Kate is a little hard on Jon but geez, we don’t know or see everything. I think they are doing an awesome job in everything. It must be hard to have camera’s on them all the time, no wonder they don’t want people outside taking pictures or starring. They need to be careful in strangers and people who apparently live in the neigborhood who don’t have anything better to do then to complaine, because Kate didn’t waive. The best thing to do is watch them on T.V. and leave them a lone.

  • I love your show, and I think it’s wonderful that you were determined to “take what God gave you”, and never terminate any of your babies when you found out you were having 6 at one time. God listens. My question, working in the medical field,and regarding the flu, are the kids allergic to eggs? If not, why don’t you get flu shots every year? I can only imagine what it is like, with all those children having the flu. Unless there is a medical reason not too, flu shots are great,and they work!

  • The Hawaii trip aired on a Monday night. Two nights later, it was a re-run. The show was so boring I couldn’t watch it the first time.
    Kate is much too selfish and dictatorial for my taste. If they are going to exploit their children for a living, she should at least explain to them where all the perks and freebies are coming from and let them be a little more appreciative in their acceptance.
    The Gosselin Mission Report was such a farce that it was laughable. They go to a church where “no one bothers them”. I go to church to worship a living God and to have fellowship with my church family who are always there when I need support.
    Here, we see eight children who know that their mother does not work – their father does not work. The apple does not fall far from the tree. How can they possibly grow up to be good, productive citizens after this environment? No TV producer would be interested in their individual lives – should the welfare department be getting ready for them? It will take a lot to keep them in their expected lifestyle.
    I haven’t seen too many of the shows. I am not interested in whining, crying, sniveling children. If I had young children, I would not allow them to watch the show because it would be a bad influence on them.
    I cannot understand why children over three years old would still be allowed to “poop in their unnerwear”. I have seen enough pee, poop, and puke (in their own words) to last a life time. If it wasn’t for all the freebies, they wouldn’t have a pot to pee in- much less six of them. They are selfish, greedy, and absolutely never satisfied with the amount of free “stuff” given them. Mady can be having one of her ugly fits and let someone hand her a gift – watch that smile come through. She is a carbon copy of Kate. Her behavior is already having an influence on the younger children. They are throwing fits, too. This is so sad.
    Someone, in a blog, mentioned their immaculate house. Take a look at a re-run of the Valentine Day show. Hunting clues for a “big surprise” took the children all over the house. The beds were unmade, mattress on the floor for a child to sleep on, clothing on tops of chests, in the floor, etc., toys scattered all over. One room was entirely dedicated to toys – so was the basement. The furniture looked like it was just taken to the door, shoved in, and allowed to sit where it hit. The children finally found the big gift box under the table and fell upon it like a bunch of starving hyenas.
    Kate and Jon are looking at property and hinting for a new, bigger house. If they cleaned up the one they have and arranged their furniture to look like a real home,
    they would have more than enough room. The kitchen was the only room in the house that looked “homey”.
    I agree with Jon – he is “treated like a freaking dog”.
    I don’t feel sorry for him because he should stand up like a man and take up for himself. What sort of example is he setting for his children? Will they think all men should be wimps? On a night out at a restaurant with the children and a friend’s family, Jon had too much wine, got stoned, and actd so silly – is this a good example for his Mission Report pledge?
    Kate was so evasive about her family and why they are not a part of their lives. I am just now getting acquainted with the blogs and may have missed someone’s explanation. I thought perhaps she was Amish. The Amish are kind, compassionate productive people and would not want members of their family exploited.
    TLC, please give us programs that are not boring. I had rather watch re-runs of I Love Lucy – same old format every show – Lucy gets into trouble – Lucy squeaks out.
    Kate, Kate & Kate is in the same old rut. At least half of the show is taken up by Kate mostly making excuses for everyone’s behavior except hers. Enough is enough. Give us something worthwhile – cooking shows, sewing shows, decorating hints. We have households to run, our time is valuable, and any type learning presentation would be so appreciated.

  • Well…Jon and Kate are from my town .. His mother sold us our first house…A VERY nice lady..She then helped us again with the sale of our second home….Jon and Kate lived in a modest house and after all of the babies were born, they asked their neighbors not to park in front of their own houses so that the helpers would have a place to park…I thought that was kinda rude…They chose to have these babies…I feel that it is on them…no one else..and no one else should have to change to accomidate them..unless they choose to….They never thanked some of the local help that came their way..whom helped them with their house…and then they just turned around and sold it….They felt it was owed to them..She is controlling and somehow feels special because she had fertility treatment that ended up in muliples…They has received countless freebies…tummy tucks??? come on…how is that important?? I found out recently that the kids will be getting free orthodontic treatment from the same practice where I take my kids…and who pays for that? I DO !!! that sucks….they should work like the rest of us…and pay their way like the rest of us…

  • Hi my name is Idalis I am 8 years old I know all of your kids names cara, mady, ,leah,hannah,aaden,joel,collin,alexis. I think your family is great.How old are your kids now?

  • I just wanted to say that i love your show I love the kids they’re great entertainment & they’re beutifull & I have a 3.5 yr old son who also loves to watch your show every monday night, he calls it the kids show lol. we look forward to it. I’ve read alot of the comments and I think it’s really sad that people who don’t even know you are passing such bad judgment from negative rumors or whatever they’re haters Please ignore the ignorent peoples comments they obviously don’t have anything better to do with there lives. You both do a wonderfull job at raising your family and it’s very apparent that you both love your children very much and they love you too. keep it up.

  • Jon and Kate make me sick. They use their children to profit from and now Jon has quit his job to stay at home and take care of the kids. Interesting, I wonder where they get their money? They are writing books about their life, I hope it lasts because as the kids get older they won’t be very cute anymore and no one will care. Kate treats Jon like a piece of crap and talks to him like a dog. He acts like a sissy and can’t even be the man of the famil. What really made me sick was the fact they took a trip to Hawaii to renew their wedding vows, just another excuse for a FREEE trip as far as I am concerned. I have stopped watching the show because it has gone from one extreme to another. Lets see how much more FREE, FREE, FREE stuff they can get!

  • Jon and Kate –
    I am a mother of 15 month old twins and it is the hardest job by far that I have ever had. I love my life and I love my family more than anything in this world. I get that same genuine feeling from the both of you. I am so very sorry that you have to read such negative comments from viewers. I believe that these negative feelings are jealousy and that is just so sad. We all have so many blessings in our lifes and we all choose to live our lives how we see best. That is what is so wonderful about the country we live in. I think you both are excellent parents and have amazing outlooks of life. Your children are just beautiful and I love watching them grow up. Please continue to do what you do and remember how many people out there think you are amazing!

  • My daughter Kelley is 24 and happens to have Down Syndrome. She is fascinated with your family and addicted to your show. She “knows” all of the members. Funny but she feels also connected to St Jude’s Hospital and their work. Kelley is very capable, has excellent speech and is funny. She works at the local supermarket and volunteers once a week at the local rec center daycare. She loves little kids. She is one of 6 children and has a niece and nephew. I recently ordered her the DVD season and 1 and 2 but don’t think it will get here on time for Christmas. She would love to meet this family. Wish they would accept visitors, make for a good show, don’t you think. We live in Massachusetts. Any ideas?

  • hi,
    i do love the show jon and kate plus 8. my favorites of the children are cara, hannah, alexis, and joel, they seem to be the nicest of all of the kids. i can sometimes agree that kate is a bit controlling,but she has to be because there are so many of the kids. jon is a very good father. i think he always does the best he can do for his kids. i don’t agree with some of the things you crazy people are saying because i understand why they would want help around the house on hectic days i would like to see someone confront one of them about the way you think they act and i can garentee that they will fighht you right back because they are the good parents. its very unfair the way people are these days all they want to do is pick out the wrongs and never pick out the rights. the facts are jon and kate are great parents some may not believe so but this is an opinionated site i think and know they are great parents and thats that.

  • Sarah,
    I read your post about “the truth” about Jon and Kate and their family. I respect your ability to write whatever you want, but when it comes down to it… get a life. Is it really your mission in life to bash this family? What good does it do for you besides making you look like a horrible person? Leave them alone, they have inspired a ton of parents out there and have 8 beautiful children. I wouldnt expect them to not have help, they have loving people in their lives that are more than willing to help out. Until you live a day in their shoes, back off.
    You claim people should start helping those in need instead of watching Jon and Kate, maybe you should listen to your own words and spend less time trying to publicly humiliate this family.

  • Wow! 1.2 mil for a new house?? Gosselins are great scammers! Poor-mouthing to get freebies and donations, not to mention, pimping out the kids, yet they just bought a 1.2 million dollar home on heffner road in wernersville!

  • I’ve read a lot of complaints from people about how much $$ Jon & Kate are raking in. How many of you would scream in protest, “No, No, No, take it away! Evil lucre! Do NOT force me to take that money! You hateful, hateful people!!!”

    Not me. I’d say thanks very much, pay the bills, buy a house, put some aside and then give as much to charity as I could manage, which I THINK is exactly what Jon and Kate have done. They’re not my favorite people in the world (well Jon is – I’d trade my husband for Jon about any day in the week) but they certainly have done nothing wrong in accepting payment for their efforts. Refusing it would be wrong and weird and NOBODY, not even all the naysayers, would do that.

  • P.S. Where are all the people complaining about people like Ken Griffey and Alex Rodriguez being paid 27 million or more to play a game? Is that somehow benefiting children with cancer or people in the Third World needing some help with contraception? Too many mouths to feed yet no one tells these people to stop procreating, that they can’t afford to feed all those poor babies who didn’t ask to be born poor. Okay, I’ve got my two pet peeves (overpaid sports stars and the inability of the world to make an effort to stop overpopulation (except here – here if you’re a welfare mom people tell you to cross your legs. Ever hear the one about aspirin being the best form of contraception? Yeah, I heard some sanctimonious old fart tell women to hold the aspirin between their knees. Nothing about telling the men to use the hold the aspirin with their privates. It’s all on the women of course. (another pet peeve off my chest) Okay I’m done.

  • i absolutly love the show its the best show on tlc the kids are the cutest!!!! i hope you never ever stop the show i have one question though are mady and cara still in the same school scence you guys moved

  • Jon, Kate, Cara & Mady do NOT make the show, it is the little ones.
    Having different friends and family join the show added interest to the show. Kate according to her, her words, fell down once so she will NOT skate, roller or ice, does NOT like water sports, can barely swim, hates camping, does NOT like hiking, is afraid of heights, refused to hike with twins in Calif., No winter sports,
    No summer sports, except sun burning, can barely ride a bike,
    now why is she so interesting?
    Compensation for time on show is NOT living off your family Kate. It is compensation for being interesting.
    Now we are stuck with just you putting Jon dowwn.
    (example)You said Jon looked like an elphant when riding a pony. Most wives would have said, “look isn’t Daddy cute.”

  • Hi Jon & Kate,

    Jsut wanted you to know I have enjoyed your show and have enjoyed watching the kids grow up. I know this must be very tiring for the both of you,having to live in front of a camera. Maybe you guys just need a break and come back when the kids are a little older. I am sure you and Jon could use a break. You guys are great and doing one great job raising the kids. Keep it up. You do need to focus on one another a little. Go back to when you met and re-kindle the feelings. They are still there and just need to be brought to the surface. I will keep you both in my prayers. Keep the faith you two and God will do the rest. Love ya A faithful fan

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