In a small study with big implications, researchers found some of the strongest evidence yet that...
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"What Does Moo Mean?" Plush Book
This book is adorable. It’s called “What Does Moo Mean?” and I found it at...
A Diaper Bag For Your Prince/Princess
Dante Beatrix has these really cute diaper bags that are very bright and cheerful looking. You can...
Step 2 Kids Dream Play Kitchen
I remember when I was a kid there was a girl down the street who had a play kitchen that was the...
Could Your Child’s Identity Be Stolen?
When I was a kid I didn’t need to get Social Insurance Number until I was ready to work. Now...
You Tube "Kid Wants A Brother "
This is really cute!! Don’t we all wish it was this easy. I guess this is why parents have...
Baby Einstein Baby Water Rocker
This baby rocker is really cute. It is made by Baby Einstein and it features brightly colored Baby...
Track Your Stroller Adventures
Nothing feels better on a nice day than getting the baby into the stroller and heading all over...