
Photographer takes vintage photos ‘Back to the Future’!

You know those old baby and childhood photographs…we all have them. The ones where you are trying on mom’s shoes, or dad’s hat; the ones with the glasses, dresses or knee socks that completely date the photo…

It’s always fun to look at them and imagine the person older. One intrepid photographer has done just that and more!

In her ‘Back to the Future‘ and ‘Back to the Future 2’ projects Irina Werning has meticulously recreated old photographs placing the now older model in exactly the same clothing and places as in the original photograph. She has taken great care to recreate the quality of the photograph as well, adding scratches and fading where appropriate.

What a unique photo exhibit and how fun to take adults and recreate childhood photographs! These aren’t the old photographs you want to hide away…these are ones to be proudly displayed, and giggled over!

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About the author


I am a mum, wife, friend, and student. A lover of books and walks, sewing, knitting, museums, art galleries and playing games. I whole-heartedly support breastfeeding, babywearing and cloth-diapering and know that there are many different parenting paths to walk!

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