Featured Back To School

Pix Digitalized Backpack Lets Kids Create & Display Their Digital Art

Every child at my son’s school wears the same backpack.  They all so similar my boys have brought home other kid’s bags on many occasions.  While there are a lot of cool backpack brands that stand out like MadPax, there are few that actually allow kids to show their individual personality.

Enter Pix.

Pix Digitalized Backpack

Designed by Margaret Rimek, this backpack is not only sleek looking but it features a screen that is capable of creating up to 16.5 million color combinations… so you are only limited by your imagination!

Pix Digitalized Backpack - emojis

What’s better is the display is controlled from the user’s phone, where you have the option of selecting images, animations of games directly from the library, or express their creativity by creating their own!

Pix Digitalized Backpack - app

This could be good for being more visual at night or to allow kids to rep their favorite FortNite characters or an emoji.

Pix Digitalized Backpack - emojis

Inside the bag comes with lots of compartments to hold what they will need. I’m not completely sure if the spot holding the magazine will work for a laptop. But that would be a must for most kids.

Pix Digitalized Backpack inside

Priced at $199 plus $39 for the power source. Visit the kickstarter campaign for more information!

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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