It was 5:18 am on Friday that Abigail Cain gave birth to her daughter Danica AnnMarie Cain standing on the driveway. She has been named after race car driver Danica Patrick.
According to Steve, his granddaughter was due on January 18th but the family had been told by the doctors that the baby could arrive anytime.
“Abby had a doctor appointment yesterday, and the doctor said her baby would be here any time, but I didn’t expect she would be born in her driveway,” Bronish said from Mercy Hospital in Portland.
“It was 10 below out, and she had no help at all and out she came right in the driveway,” he said. “It’s quite an amazing story. I’m pretty excited.”
Steve was at home in Livermore with his fiancé Heather McLennan when he got the call at 5:10 am from Abigail and her husband Joseph that they were leaving home to go to the hospital.
Joseph went inside to get another bag, leaving Abigail waiting by the car while she was spoke to Heather on the phone. At that moment, Abigail said she could feel that a contraction coming on.
Hanging up the phone, she was now leaning on the passenger seat with the door open.
“At the first contraction, she started laying on the horn for her husband to hurry up,” Steve said. “With the second contraction, she felt she had to push. She pushed and the baby came out while she was standing next to the car.”
Unaware of the drama going on in the driveway, when Joseph came out with the bag, he heard the faint cries of a baby. Thinking it was their two year old son Tristan, he quickly realized that his wife had already given birth.
“He rounded the corner and there was mom and baby, all said and done,” Grandfather Steve said. “Joe said she yelled to him, ‘I have the baby! I have the baby.”
Abigail bundled the infant in her sweatshirt and they hurried inside, where Joseph tied off the umbilical cord with help from the 911 operator.
The couple called for an ambulance and soon mom and baby were at the Mercy Hospital.
Baby Danica weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 20¼ inches long.
“Mom, Danica and dad are all OK and perfectly healthy,” Bronish said.
If your expectant mom isn’t able to make it to the hospital in time, the first thing you need to do is place a large waterproof or disposal pad beneath her and get her into a position where baby would not be harmed when he emerges. Next, look for clean fabric: towels, t-shirts, anything. Baby will be slippery and cold. Then breathe! Babies who arrive this quickly are usually born without any complication. En Route Baby: What To Do When Baby Arrives Before Help Does, p. 41.