The newest addition to the Britax family is the Blink. This stroller is Britax’ entre into the lightweight market. Weighing in at just 16lbs, the Blink has an impressive weight capacity of 55lbs.
We recently had the opportunity to give one a test drive. Here is what we found:
Installation:Out of the box, the Blink was almost ready to go. All I needed to do was pop the Canopy on.
Getting Started: Opening the Blink is a breeze. Just unlock the lever and then lock the frame in place with your foot. The whole stroller opens out and pretty much falls in place.
Features: Even though the Blink fits into the lightweight category, it has some great features that make it a good budget choice for parents.
For your child’s comfort, the Blink’s seat is spacious(13″ wide) and lightly padded. Both of my boys(4 years and 11 months) fit into this stroller comfortably. The seat to the top of the canopy measures a generous 25″, which could easily accommodate an older or larger child. The Blink also has an over-sized canopy and visor that offers excellent protection from wind, rain and sun. The canopy features a peek-a-boo window and a zippered storage pocket big enough to hold keys, a cell phone and a small wallet if necessary.
A baby could also sleep comfortably on-to-go by using the layback recline and adjustable leg rest. By doing this you can quickly create a comfortable sleeping position for your child that allows their legs to be elevated.
Like many others in this class, the Blink has limited storage. The mesh basket can hold a medium size diaper bag that won’t drag on the ground because it is supported by a metal frame. I like that the storage basket can be accessed from both the side and back(if the seat is up). This makes it easy for parents to get supplies out in a pinch.
Folding the Blink is almost too easy. “Use the carry strap to release the hinge lock, step down on the frame release pedal, and fold the stroller forward.” This truly is a one-handed fold and can be done while carrying a baby.
Travel Bonus! This stroller comes with a travel bag. I love this! Once folded it can be easily stored in the bag and carried with either the side handle or shoulder strap. This also great for parents who love to travel. Having the stroller in the bag will ensure that it won’t come back mangled if it has to be checked as luggage. Additionally, Britax has a carrying strap on the back of the stroller that is great for when you need to carry the stroller and a screaming or fussy baby.
I would recommend the Blink to anyone looking for a reliable stroller that won’t break the bank. Priced at just $149, it comes in 5 fun patterns that will appeal to most parents. We tested the Cowmooflage and it constantly gets comments from other parents while we are out.
If asked, the only thing I would add to this stroller is padding on the 5-point harness and maybe a place to put a sippy cup.
More information is available at Britax’s website.
I ordered this stroller online and it was very big! I’m use to the MacLaren size strollers and this was much taller. I am 5’3″ and I couldn’t push it comfortably.