Tim Miller, the founder and director of EquuSearch, said the remains “appear to be Caylee, but with any case, we have to wait until a positive ID is made.”
Todd Black, the spokesman for Casey Anthony’s defense attorney, said the utility worker picked up the bag and a skull rolled out of it.
Residents said duct tape was found around the skull, but those reports have not been confirmed by law-enforcement official.“We certainly hope it isn’t [related to the Anthony case],” Black said. “If it is, it is a sad day.”
Dr. Lee Jantz, coordinator of the forensic anthropology center at the University of Tennessee, told the Associated Press that it is more difficult to identify a child’s body than an adult’s. The first thing medical examiners will do is compare photos of the child with the skull, in hopes of making a bone structure comparison. Because this is a high-profile case, the DNA of the bones will also be tested.
The three-year-old was reported missing July 15, after it took her mom 5 weeks to tell police her daughter was missing.
During that time, the toddler’s mom Casey Anthony was indicted in October on first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.
Casy is being held without bail at the Orange County Jail.