
Seven Moms Preparing a First Birthday Party to Remember

There will be street parties all across Britain on the day of the Royal Wedding, Friday, but none quite like this one.

Last year, around this time, there was a baby-boom on Crystal Wood Dr in South Wales.  Seven women gave birth to eight babies, all within a seven week span.  The coincidence was so noticeable, the local hospital nick-named the street, Fertile Wood Dr.

It all started when 34-year-old Nia Edwards delivered her twin girls, Mali and Elen on April 10, 2010.  Not long after, Karen Hulse delivered Catrin, Kirsty Davies had Macsen, Jane Prentice-Jenkins had Brook, Sharron Batemen delivered little Poppy, Jo Morgan had Ava and Angela Fomison brought Harriet into the world.

Now, they’re all set to celebrate the babies first birthday in style.

“It will be a street party with a difference – and hopefully we can get seven babysitters so we can celebrate into the night,” Nia said.

The women didn’t know each other well before having their children, but Nia says,

“We’re all great friends now – and with our very own little mother-and-baby group we hardly need to leave the street.”

The children will attend the same school and will be in the same class.

“It will be so lovely to see them all grow up together – it’s like an extended family,” says Kirsty.

“We all meet up at least once a week with the babies – we’ll go for a coffee or to the park.  And we all babysit for each other, which is a great help for new mums,” Kirsty said.

What a fun way to grow up! – Jen R, Staff Writer

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About the author

Jen R

Jen R should have been a spy; she would have been really great at it. Instead, she has found limitless happiness raising a future international man of mystery. She is a writer, a maker of suppers, a kisser of boo boos and a finder of lost things. She would always prefer to watch politics than sports and will never watch a soap opera...ever.

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