
Seventh Generation Supports Local Communities Through “Buy One Give One” Initiative

We recently partnered with Seventh Generation and Mom Central Canada for a two part campaign that allowed us to both use their products in our home and donate some to our community.

Through their “Buy One Give One” initiative Seventh Generation is aiming to reach their goal of giving away up to 240,000 diapers to 40 shelters in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. This could mean a donation of up to $160,000 in diaper value to a charitable cause that rarely sees corporate assistance.

By being a part of the Diaper Donation program I was able to choose a charity in our community to receive four packages of Seventh Generation diapers.

When I sat down to decide where I would donate the diapers the choice was clear right from the start.

Anselma House provides emergency shelters and services for abused women and their children with information on domestic abuse, safety plans, effects of violence on children, crisis support, outreach programs and available community resources.

A new modern facility opened in May of this year and it was reported that it was already handling nearly a third more people than it was ready to accommodate. It opened with 35 beds but since late August has been providing refuge to an average of 42 to 45 women and children every day. Since the province only provides funding for 28 beds, they could face an annual deficit of $600,000 if this continues.

We are thankful to have been chosen as one of the community moms for this project.  These diapers will provide a clean bum for 4 children for a week.

This wouldn’t be possible without the community’s support as well. Canadian moms who purchase Seventh Generation diapers from their local store are driving the initiative.

To stay up-to-date on 7th Gen Nation’s current promotions including coupons, special offers and great tips for green and healthy living please visit:

*Disclosure – I am participating in the Seventh Generation program by Mom Central Canada.  I received compensation as a thank you for my participation.  The opinions on this blog are my own.*


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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