There are dozens of reasons why new mothers are not ready, willing, and able only six weeks after birth. Exhaustion, stress, and depression can cause huge barriers to desire. Hormonal changes can also affect how our bodies respond, especially for breastfeeding mothers. Testosterone levels dip and the hormone prolactin, which prevents arousal, rises. If a woman might even be interested, she has her body working against her.
Each woman feels differently after pregnancy, and the same woman can feel differently after each pregnancy. Complications during pregnancy and birth can cause the time it takes to feel ready again to increase.
For men suffering from an inability to be intimate there are medical options. Viagra has become a huge prescription drug on the market today. unfortunately, there is no female equivalent available yet. Until then, there are still ways a partner can help make things move smoother. offers these ways to help:
- K-Y jelly or another lubricant can be very helpful if the perineal area is feeling sensitive. It also helps with the vaginal dryness many women experience at this time.
- When you do have intercourse, choose a position that doesn’t put too much pressure on wherever you are feeling sensitive.
- If tiredness is your biggest problem, try making love during your baby’s nap time, when you are not too exhausted to enjoy it.
- Do your pelvic floor exercises to bring back muscular tone to your vagina, and look out some postnatal exercise classes to help get back into shape and raise your morale.
- Eat well, and drink plenty of fluids. Rest whenever you can. Looking after a new baby is extremely demanding. In order to have any energy left over, you need to be looking after yourself very carefully.
Dads can also reduce the stress and exhaustion levels that can lead to a decrease in sex by offering to help with the kids or around the house . Making sure that her emotional needs are met will make her feel more ready to look at the physical needs. And start small. Enjoy just spending time hugging and kissing before even considering moving into more intimacy. – Summer, staff writer
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I was struggling with intimacy after my baby was born so I really enjoyed your article. It helped a lot. Especially the part about lubricant. I started searching and found two amazing products…. Probe is the best lube that I have ever used. Plus my friend told me about this stuff called Yume Blush. It’s all natural and tastes yummy. We use it for massage and other intimate things. Changed our lives! Thanks again!!