One of the most common concerns that mothers face while breastfeeding is having a low breast milk supply. While there are plenty of resources and strategies to increase your supply from pumping after feedings to incorporating certain foods into your diet, it has been a mystery as to why it affects some moms and not others.
A new study led by La Trobe University has uncovered why some new moms produce less breast milk than others.
Surveying nearly 500 women worldwide, the research revealed that factors like lack of breast growth during pregnancy, breast hypoplasia, and teenage obesity could contribute to low milk supply.
Breast hypoplasia is a common condition where the breasts don’t develop normally, which can be either the result of genetics, hormonal imbalance, or other underlying medical conditions.
Lead researcher Renee Kam highlighted that 72% of women with low milk supply didn’t experience changes in breast size during pregnancy, signaling a potential issue with milk production post-birth.
Additionally, the study linked a high body mass index during puberty to low milk supply for the first time, emphasizing the need for further investigation through population-based studies.
Participants shared their struggles despite trying various methods like consulting lactation experts, expressing milk, and consuming lactation products. Some expressed feeling let down by medical providers when unable to meet their babies’ feeding needs naturally.
One distressed participant wrote, “I finally learned that ‘all women make enough milk’ was a lie. No amount of education or determination would make my breasts work. I felt deceived and let down by all my medical providers. How dare they have no answers for me when I desperately just wanted to feed my child naturally.”
Professor Lisa Amir stressed that certain physical and physiological factors could hinder optimal milk production, emphasizing the importance of supporting women in their breastfeeding journey without equating success with maternal prowess.
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