Maeine Johnson-Marsh is just your typical 7-year-old girl, but this blond-haired Oteha Valley...
Tag - Amazing Kid Stories
Puppies Keep Lost Down Syndrome Boy Alive in a Forest Overnight
Kyle Camp, a 10-year-old boy with Down Syndrome, went missing from his Alabama home on Tuesday...
Mexican Doctors Successfully Remove 33 Pound Tumor from Two-Year-Old Boy
Could you imagine your child having a tumor that weighed than they did? One little boy from the...
Toddler Recovers after Heart Stops 39 Minutes and Well Enough to Return Home
Trudy Hilary walked in on every mother’s worst nightmare: her two-year-old son, Zach, collapsed...
Innovative Surgery Technique Helps Surgeons Reduce Boy’s Head Size
Dawa Titung, a seven-year-old boy from Nepal, missed out on the coddling, carrying and snuggling...
Dad Saves Son from Falling Over Cliff….and Walks Away with Two Traffic Tickets?
Frank Roder, a construction worker from Winfield Park had a nice, peaceful afternoon in mind – he...
Four-Year-Old Has a Higher IQ than Carol Vorderman
Little Heidi Hankins may be just four years old, but her IQ already surpasses the Countdown...
8-Year-Old Utah Boy Tries to Drive 5-Year-Old Sister to Store in Mom’s Minivan
While most little kids were sleeping in their beds safely, an 8-year-old boy decided to take a...
Little Baby, Big Spirit: Still Going Strong at Four Years Old
Susan Donoghue went in to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee for a scheduled ultrasound during her 20th...
Australian Toddler Barely Escapes Venomous Snake Attack
South-western Queensland residents have finally been able to return to their homes after some...
Five-Year-Old Girl Receives Life-Saving Bone Marrow from Big Sister
It is the biggest fear of almost any parent – to hear that your child has a life-threatening...