A Chinese mom has surprised many - including herself - by welcoming one of the world's heaviest...
Tag - Big Babies
First Time Parents Welcome 13lb Baby!
Amanda Byron had been forewarned by her doctors that she might have a bigger than average size baby...
10-Month-Old Chinese Baby Tips The Scales At 44lbs!
A ten month old Chinese baby boy, Lei Lei, has taken the form of the iconic Michelin Man, weighing...
Newborn Twins Weigh In at 10 Pounds Each!
The average birth weight for most twins is 6.5 to 7 pounds each. One mom in Cincinnati, however...
UK Baby Arrives Weighing Almost 14lbs!
Hospital staff at a UK hospital got a bit of a surprise last week when one of their laboring moms...
Roundup: The Best of 2009!
As we head into the new year we are excited that this year Growing Your Baby posted over 1,200...
Minnesota Mom Gives Birth to 15 Pound Baby
When she was eight months along, a doctor warned Wendi Dolton her baby was going to exceed ten...
Malaysian Mom Gives Birth To 13.5lb Baby The Old Fashioned Way
When Aishah Yasin was wheeled into the ivery room for her fifth ivery, she was unaware that she...
Big Baby Denied Health Insurance
ernie and Kelli Lange of Colorado are the parents of a beautiful and healthy baby baby boy named...
Indonesian Mom Gives Birth To 19.2lb Baby!!
Wholly schmuckers! An Indonesian woman has given birth to a 19.2-pound baby boy, the heaviest...
Romanian Mom Welcomes 14.5lb Baby!
A mom from the town of Botosani, Romania surprised everyone, including herself, yesterday when she...