Evan Leversage, the little boy who inspired his entire hometown to get into the holiday and throw a...
Tag - brain tumors
Town Brings Christmas Early for Terminally Ill Child
It didn’t feel like autumn in St. George, Ontario on October 24th. The small town banded together...
Newborn Baby With Brain Tumor, To Make Full Recovery
When Erika and Stephen Jones' baby was diagnosed with brain cancer, the couple was told to prepare...
Insurer’s Change of Heart Helps Baby Girl Have Life Saving Brain Surgery
A family’s struggle to keep their baby girl alive had reached a critical point when the insurance...
Mom in Coma Gives Birth to Baby Boy
After yearning for a child for years, Melissa Carleton would have d to be the first to hold her...
Doctors find Teeth Inside Baby’s Brain!
Babies born with teeth is a rare but known phenomenon, but a baby in Maryland stunned his parents...
CT Scans in Children Slightly Raises Cancer Risks
CT scans use ionizing radiation to take images of various parts of the brain. Generally, these...