Breastmilk offers a whole host of benefits—everything from decreasing a baby’s risk of developing...
Tag - Breast Feeding
New Studies to Examine How COVID-19 May Impact Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
First appearing in November of last year, COVID-19 is a new and potentially deadly virus. We have...
Relaxation Therapy Could Reduce Maternal Stress and Improve Breastfeeding Rates and Duration
A new study suggests that listening to relaxation therapy while breastfeeding could combat both of...
Marijuana & Breast Milk – How Long Does It Stay?
Now that marijuana is legal in many states and all of Canada, whether or not it has an affect on...
Police Office Breastfeeds Hungry Baby in Hospital
Nursing moms are incredible. We've seen story after story of these women stepping up and helping...
Jollibee Supervisor Breastfeeds Abandoned Newborn
For the second time in as many weeks a nursing mom has come to the rescue of a needy baby. Jesica...
Police Officer Breast Feeds Abandoned Baby
One female police officer did what came naturally to her when an abandoned baby was brought to the...
Study: 1 in 5 Babies In High-Income Countries Not Breastfed At All
Earlier this month Unicef revealed the number of babies missing out on breastfeeding remains high...
Northern England Offers New Moms Cash To Breastfeed Longer
Because physicians and health organizations worldwide have long encouraged breastfeeding as the...
8 Tips for Weaning Your Baby Off the Breast
Breastfeeding is an intimate and bonding experience – one that baby benefits from and most moms...
Nurse Breastfeeds Baby After Mother Is Injured in Car Accident
Who said wet nursing was a thing of the past? A nurse at a Jerusalem hospital stepped up to nourish...