We all know that pollution is bad for us, but when you live in a big city, there isn’t much you can...
Tag - breastfeeding benefits
Breastfeeding May Reduce Risk of Smoking Relapse after Pregnancy
Because the dangers of sming are so wiy talked about, many women do reduce or quit when they become...
10 Reasons to Consider Breastfeeding
Breast is best! You keep hearing it, time and again from major health organizations like the...
New Research Suggests That Breastfeeding Can Reduce Infant’s Arsenic Exposure
The benefits of breastfeeding has been long documented, and we know that nursing our infants can...
More U.S. Hospitals Adopting “Baby Friendly” Breastfeeding Policies
In a “baby friendly” hospital, naked newborns are placed on their mother’s bare-chest within just...
Breastfeeding may Help Reduce Long-Term Weight Retention for Mothers Suffering from Obesity
Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby. One...
Study: Long-Term Breastfeeding Linked to Better Development in Toddlers
Research had tied breastfeeding to a number of benefits – everything from fewer infections to...
Moms in The UK Being Offered Shopping Vouchers if They Breastfeed Their Babies
We’ve seen a lot of incentives to encourage breastfeeding rates, but this is the first one I’ve...
Study: Mother’s Personality Influences Decision to Breastfeed
Experts have long acknowledged that breastfeeding has many benefits for both mother and baby, and...
CDC Survey Shows Breastfeeding is on the Rise
Current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics says that babies should be...
Breastfed Babies Less Anxious and More Likely to Remain Socially Connected, Study Says
Studies have found numerous benefits to breastfeeding, but a new study has found something we’d...