The UPPAbaby KNOX is the next step for parents when their child outgrows the MESA infant car seat...
Tag - car seat
4 Car Seats Across? UK Company Develops Unit To Do Just That!
Car seats are bulky. We know this. If fact they're so bulky it's hard to get than 2 in the back of...
Kiddy Set To Release First Infant Car Seat To Recline In The Vehicle
This is a game changer parents! Until now there hasn't been an infant car seat on the market that...
Man Arrested after Leaving Baby Locked in Car in Strip Club Parking Lot
We’ve covered many cases in which parents have left their children inside of locked cars. Some of...
Mother Pulled Over and Reprimanded for Breastfeeding While Riding Bicycle
The words “mom” and “multi-tasking” tend to be synonymous, but as a mom in Yuzhou, China recently...
Study Finds Growing Number of Children Suffering from Flat Spots on Their Heads
The 1992 American Academy of Pediatrics’ “Back to Sleep” campaign has been a huge success, and has...
Baby from Maine Miraculously Survives Being Thrown 25 Feet from Car
Six-month-old Gabriel Blaney was thrown 25 feet from his mother’s car on Thursday night when the...
Child Car Safety Guidelines Largely Ignored
Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children over the age of three, and than 140,000...
Mom Cited for Securing Gas Can in Toddler’s Car Seat INSTEAD of the Toddler
During a routine traffic stop, Colorado State Patrol found a sight that was than unnerving; it was...
Passersby Reports Toddler Strapped Into Bed of a Pickup Truck
It might have been just another day at the beach for some, but it is a day that one witness is not...
Featured Review: The Teutonia t-linx System
The Teutonia t-linx is a well designed stroller with an artfully designed combination of form and...