There are many reasons that a mom may need to have a cesarean birth, but not all C-sections are...
Tag - cesarean risks
Study: European Cesarean Rates Vary Widely
The risks involved with ivering a baby by cesarean section include everything from longer healing...
What’s The Rush? Doctors Urged To Wait Longer For Vaginal Delivery
When it comes to ivering a baby, there a many commonalities but in reality no two women's...
Labor Induction May Not Increase Likelihood of C-Section as Previous Research Suggests
According to previous studies, inducing labor could increase the chances of needing a C-section...
Amish Birthing Center May Hold Secret to Reducing Cesarean Rates
For years, experts have been concerned about the rising cesarean rate throughout much of the world...
Canadian Maternity Program Decreases Cesarean Rates and Hospital Time for Mothers and Infants
Over the last decade, cesarean rates have increased all over the world; Canada is no exception...
Women of Brazil Rediscovering and Fighting for the Benefits of Natural Birth
In Brazil, than half of all babies are born via cesarean. This rate is even higher – 82 percent –...
Report: Caesarean Birth Rates Still On The Rise
HealthGrades, an independent health care rating organization, has revealed the number of cesarean...