Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas has announced a second woman in the U.S. who was born...
Tag - Childbirth
Birth Photographer Captures Incredible Hallway Birth!
Childbirth is raw, incredible and unexpected. Thankfully one Kansas couple had a birth photographer...
Mom In Russia Gives Birth To 13lb 14oz Baby Au Natural!
The 42-year-old woman has become a legend in the town of Dagestanskiye Ogni, in south-western...
Virginia Mom Gives Birth On Jamestown-Scotland Ferry
As we've heard many times over the years - babies will come whenever and wherever they please. One...
Baby on Board! Mother Delivers on International Flight from Paris to New York
After attending his best friend’s wedding in New hi, and already on the second leg of his long trip...
5 Reasons To Hire A Birth Photographer
Giving birth… It’s empowering, incredible and life-changing. It also happens really...
‘Gentle’ Cesarean – What Is It and Is It Right for You?
Though sometimes necessary for the health and well-being of a mother and her baby, a cesarean...
Right Place and Time! Doctor Delivers Baby at Gas Station
Dr. Javier Soto, an OB-GYN, was on his way to Rockledge Regional Medical Center to iver a baby when...
Do Placenta Capsules Offer Postpartum Benefits for New Moms? Study Says No
Placentophagy, or the consumption of one’s placenta – typically in pill form – has gained a great...
Texas Hospital Welcomes America’s First Post-Uterus Transplant Baby
For about 5 percent of women in the world, giving birth is nothing than an impossible dream because...
8 Ways to Naturally Induce Labor
If you are nearing your due dated (or have already passed it), you may be anxious to welcome your...