Regularly scheduled vaccines are designed to protect young children from potentially life...
Tag - childhood immunizations
Infant Fingerprint Scanning Could Help Save Lives through Vaccination Tracking
Each and every year, 2.5 million children die worldwide because they have missed important, life...
Parents That Refuse Vitamin K at Birth More Likely to Refuse Immunizations Later
Necessary for blood clotting, vitamin K does not transfer through the placenta during birth. This...
Chickenpox Vaccine Not Linked to Rise in Shingles, Experts Say
While the rate of chickenpox in the United States has rapidly decd over the last couple of decades...
Measles Outbreak Not Restricted to California
We recently reported on the measles outbreak in California. It appears, however, that the danger...
Study Finds Alarming Number of Healthy Children Die from Influenza Virus
When we parents think of the flu, we think of a common but nonfatal virus. However, this common...
Study: Delaying Baby’s First Measles Vaccine may Ensure Better Immunity Throughout Childhood
We recently d a study in which researchers found that the risks of adverse effects from a measles...
CDC Predicts 2013 to be Worst Measles Outbreak Since 1996
At one time, it was thought that measles – a highly contagious, potentially deadly viral infection...
Varicella Vaccine Highly Effective at Preventing Chickenpox, Study Says
If you’re a parent, it’s likely that you remember having the chickenpox, or, at the very least, you...
More Than Half of US Children are Now Receiving Vaccinations Late
Vaccinations are designed to help provide children with protection from serious diseases that have...
Fewer Reactions from DTap Vaccine when Given in Thigh, Study Finds
While considered a normal and vital part of protecting your children from potentially fatal...