Each and every year, 2.5 million children die worldwide because they have missed important, life...
Tag - Developing Countries
Better Care Can Save 3 Million Newborns A Year, Says a New UNICEF Report
A report published by the Lancet at UNICEF headquarters yesterday shows that of the 3 million...
Premature Babies Being Aided By Low Cost Machines Made From Aquarium Pumps
When a baby named Chonjetsa was born, he weighed just over two pounds. Born prematurely, his tiny...
Less Complex, More Economical IVF Technique Being Prepared for Use in Developing Countries
Three decades ago, the first in vitro baby was born. Since that time, IVF has come a long way, and...
Low Cost Test Tube Solution for Developing Countries in the Works
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility affects approximately 2 million...
Inexpensive Invention may Prevent Deaths and Brain Damage of Newborns in Developing Countries
Even in developed countries, things can go wrong during ivery. In the case of hypoxic ischemic...
Solar Suitcase Saving Lives of Mothers and Newborns in Developing Countries
In developed countries, we often take the little things for granted. But in developing countries...
A Sleeping Bag Saving Preemie Lives
In parts of the world where costly incubators and medical technology is still not available to save...
$25 Sleeping Bag Incubator Could Reduce Infant Mortality In Developing World
A challenge, spearheaded by Stanford University’s Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability...