This story starts off like countless others; a Russian couple, Yuri and Yuliya Belyaeva get a...
Tag - divorce
Steve Nash Welcomes 3rd Child; Splits With Wife Same Day
Just hours after Steve Nash's wife Alejandra Amarilla gave birth on Friday to a seven pound, seven...
Study Reveals That Single Moms Need More Support
A new study loing at the behavior of children from two parent and single parent homes found that...
Bryan and Jenny Masche Separate
Just a week after it was revealed that Bryan Masche was arrested for fighting with his wife and...
UK Judge Mandates Custody Classes For Divorcing Parents
In an attempt to teach couples the damage that divorce has on children involved, District Judge...
Raising Children With Autism Increases Risk of Divorce
According to a new study tracking the impact of autism on relationships, couples raising autistic...
Study: Pregnancy Loss Linked To Divorce
A new study has found that couples who have do deal with the loss of a baby due to miscarriage or...
Study Finds: Parent’s of Multiples, More Likely to Split
A new study, conducted by Britain’s Twins and Multiple Births Association (TAMBA) has highlighted...
Australian Woman Fights for Title, “Mummy”
A woman in Aaide, Australia has turned to the courts to protect her title as ‘Mummy’.