If you’re trying to get pregnant and are tired of the ovulation tests, menstrual cycle mapping and...
Tag - fertility
Study: Human Sperms Healthiest During Winter
Ever wondered why so many babies are born during autumn months? It might have something to do with...
Study: Excessive TV May Affect Sperm Count
Too much television, it is known, is not good for children, but a latest research says it is not...
Scientists Discover Molecule Responsible for Repeated Miscarriages
What could eventually give many women a chance to have a baby is a new research that finds that a...
Researchers Find Explanation for 80% of ‘Unexplained Infertility’ Cases
According to researchers from Queen’s University Belfast, approximately one million couples undergo...
Study: Fertility of a Woman Linked to Her Mother’s Age at Menopause
When thinking about what you inherited from your mother, you probably think of her eyes, her nose...
Study: Moderate Exercise Increases Sperm Quality
Over the last 50 years, semen quality has decreased. A number of factors are thought to be...
Weight Loss Does Not Improve Fertility, Study Says
For years, doctors have advised that obese women lose weight to increase their chances of getting...
Study Finds BPA Damages Reproductive Systems
Adding to the harmful effects of the plastic additive BPA a Washington State University researcher...
IVF Breakthrough May Help Younger Female Cancer Patients Conceive Later in Life
Fertility during adulthood is probably one of the last things a parent may think about while...
Researchers Discover Male Sperm Protein Vital for Conception
For some men, a single, defective protein could be the cause of infertility. That’s what...