What started as a quest to have 'just one ' has resulted in the arrival of a set of quadruplets for...
Tag - Germany
Mom of 13, Annegret Raunigk, Pregnant With Quadruplets at 65!
Loing to add just one child to her family, 65-year-old mom of 13, Annegret Raunigk is now expecting...
Kind + Jugend 2012
For the last 5 years we have been following Kind + Jugend, the international juvenile products...
Teacher Plunges into 75ft deep shaft to Save 3 year olds Life
Ina Koenig is a teacher none of her pupils would easily forget. When one of her kindergarten...
German Mom Welcomes Identical Quadruplets!
A German mom has defied the odds and welcomed a set of identical quadruplets. Doctors said the...
Mom Welcomes A 13lb Baby – Naturally!
A brave (and determined) mom in Berlin Germany welcomed a 13-pound baby named Jihad during a 7 hour...
Fetal Surgery Saves Baby After Water Breaks Early
Doctors in Germany performed a first-of-a-kind surgery in the womb and saved the life of an unborn...
German Hospitals Set Up ‘Baby Drops’ as Infanticide Cases Increase
In an effort to address a shocking rise in infanticides, desperate mothers in Germany are being...