Baby’s gut microbes have an important role to play in developing his immune system and a mutli...
Tag - Health
Baby Girl Born With 3 Legs Abandoned in China
Doctors at a children's hospital in Quanzhou, East China's Fujian province worked to examine a baby...
Doctors Successfully Remove Baby’s 4 Extra Limbs
An exciting day for the parents of a baby boy born with 4 extra limbs. Doctors at the National...
Toddler Dies of Dehydration And Acute Kidney Failure After Being Sent Home From Hospital THREE Times
When you take your child to the hospital because they are you assume that you’ll leave with peace...
Study: Preschoolers Not Getting Enough Outdoor Playtime
Just days after new Canadian guiines were announced recommending toddlers and preschoolers be...
Mom’s Best Friend ~ The Safety 1st VersaScan Talking Thermometer
Every mom can attest that taking their child's temperature can be somewhat of a production. We have...
Expectant Moms More At Risk For Heart Attacks
Pregnant women need to care a little about their heart, as a new study suggests that these women...
Study: One in Three Newborns May Live for a 100 years
Celebrating a hundred birthdays on planet earth is not a feat that many would ever think possible...
Breastfeeding may Reduce Breast Cancer Risk in Women
The threats of breast cancer can be reduced drastically in women with strong family history of the...
Gerber Recalls A Batch of Good Start® Gentle Powdered Infant Formula After Complaints of ‘Off-Odor’
Gerber Products Company announced Friday it was proactively retrieving and offering a replacement...
Four Organ Transplants Save One Little Girl’s Life
For the Bushis it was like re-living their worst nightmare when just a few months after they lost...