With the explosion of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, many people are taking their health...
Tag - Health
Hormone Contraceptive Use Linked to Depression, Particularly Among Teens and Younger Women
Contraceptives offer numerous benefits, including the prevention of an unwanted pregnancy. However...
Downside of Antibiotics for Kids: More Food Allergies
In a new study reported in the journal Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology researchers say that...
Calls To Poison Control For Essential Oils Exposures Doubles Over Last 4 Years
Over the past few years essential oils have increased in popularity, but so has the risk. So much...
A New Fruit Tops The 2016 EWG ‘Dirty Dozen’ List!
Tis the season for fresh fruit and vegetables. But which ones should you be grabbing from the...
Research Finds More Amazing Breast Milk Benefits
More new research suggests added benefits for babies fed with "amazing" breast milk, saying that...
Study Finds 67% Of Can Lids and Liners Contain BPA
The issue of Bisphenol A(BPA) hidden in the way we store or transport our food products has been an...
New Survey Finds Children Have High, Worrisome Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is usually something us adults worry about, it can get a little confusing, good...
Pot and Pregnancy: What Are the Risks?
The powerful American Medical Association agreed on Monday to push for written warnings on medical...
Study: Better Breakfast Helps Kids Achieve Academically
We've long been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now a new study by the...
Toddler, Age 3, May be Youngest to Ever Receive Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis
Type 2 diabetes, formerly referred to as “adult-onset” diabetes, was once associated with the...