In a heartwarming act of heroism, a kind stranger in Woonsocket sprang into action to rescue a...
Tag - heroes
Teenage Hero Rescues Baby After Tragic Electrocution Incident
Majiah Washington, an 18-year-old, is being hailed as a hero for her courageous act of saving a...
Man Saves Toddlers from Burning Car Moments Before Explosion
Sam Heiler and his wife, Melissa, didn’t set out to be heroes. They were simply driving through...
NJ Officer Catches Baby Dropped From 2nd Floor Balcony
A police officer responding to a domestic issue call on Saturday morning saved a 1-month-old baby...
Cop Jumps Into Moving Car, Saves Toddler
Officer Joseph Goss calls his heroic rescue of a toddler his "window of opportunity." A 10-year...
12-Year-Old Saves Younger Sister from Drowning
After cooling off in their backyard pool, the Richardson family headed inside – everyone except 12...
Police Officer Saves Boy’s Life by Driving and Performing CPR Simultaneously
Police Sergeant Patrick Hildenbrand thought he was performing a routine traffic stop when he...
Baby Girl in Stroller & Mom Rescued from NY Subway Tracks by Maintenance Worker
A two year old was inches away from passing trains when her stroller rolled on to the subway tracks...
Wandering Alone on the Highway, 15 Month-Old Saved by Good Samaritan
Bryant Collins was in his new job as an auto mechanic last Friday when he got a chance to save a...
Mom Delivers One Baby to Start Chemo and Conceives the Next Shortly after Treatment Ends
Gemma Osborn is than just a mom and a breast cancer survivor – she is a walking miracle! But leave...
Caught on Tape: Man Revives Lifeless Toddler at Supermarket in Australia
After her daughter went lifeless in her arms at a supermarket in Australia, a mother went searching...