Last year, a four-year-old girl gave the world hope for an HIV cure. Born with the virus in her...
Tag - HIV treatment
Canadian Scientists Currently Studying Early, Aggressive HIV Treatment in Infants
After two children were cleared of having HIV in the last year, Canadian Scientists are reviewing...
Second Baby born With HIV Reported To Be Clear of Virus
This year, the medical community has seen another breakthrough in treating a second child born with...
Doctors Prove Baby Girl Infected in The Womb with HIV now on the Road to Recovery
What began as just a glimmer of hope at the beginning of this year has now become one of the best...
Hospital Mix-Up Results in Baby Being Fed Breast Milk from HIV Carrier
In a scary hospital -up, a four month old baby was given the breast milk of an HIV carrier instead...
Toddler with Undetectable HIV Virus has Doctors Talking about a Cure
It is estimated that 34 million people are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS each year...