A team of than 20 specialists at WMCHealth’s Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital and Westchester...
Tag - Infant Heart Surgery
Baby Who Had Three Heart Attacks Now Has ‘Proper Chance’ At Life After Transplant
As new parents, we always think of our babies as fragile, and that they're going to break if we...
Premature Twins Born with Holes in Their Hearts Beat the Odds
Eden and Darcey Mold, born just a minute apart, are beating the odds after being born prematurely...
Time-Lapse Video Documents Couple’s Journey as Their Pregnancy Takes a Scary Turn
When newlyweds Rob and Erin Marshall discovered that they were expecting their first child, they...
Two-Pound Preemie ~ Smallest In The World to Undergo Heart Procedure
At just 2lbs baby Alexandra has already been through than many will in their lifetime. But the...
13 Day Old Baby Is Youngest in the World to be Given an Artificial Heart
Tiarna Middleton is almost two weeks old and her mom is still waiting to lift her up in her arms...
Baby Boy’s Life Saved with a Cow’s Heart Tissue
Little Reuben Weber-Jackson was just two weeks old when doctors realised that he had a heart defect...
3-D Printer Creates A Model Of A Baby’s Heart To Assist Surgeons
The best way for a heart surgeon to prepare for a procedure is to get a good lo at the heart in...
Born with Half a Heart Baby Girl Faces a Bright Future
She was merely five days old when baby Scarlett underwent her first heart surgery. But nine months...
Baby Born Healthy After Risky In-Utero Procedure
When Kelly McPherson was 17 weeks pregnant, she had a fever and realized that something might be...
With A Heart the Size of a Football, Liam Beats the Odds
Kirsty Taylor and Peter Dalgarno were warned that their newborn son would die if he did not have a...