In a chilling turn of events, a newborn baby girl was abducted from a maternity hospital in...
Tag - Kidnapped Baby
Woman Disguised As Nurse Caught Snatching Newborn From Salvadoran Hospital
Surveillance footage captured a distressing incident in an El Salvador hospital where a woman...
Every Parents Nightmare: Baby Stolen From Hospital
As I prepare to welcome baby#2, I seem to be reading more stories about things going awry at the...
Newborn Kidnapped From Hospital In Texas
A woman pretending to be a medical worker snatched a three-day-old baby from a hospital early...
Kidnapped Newborn Reunited with Parents Unharmed
In a heartening turn of events, the 10-day-old baby who was taken in an abduction last Friday has...
Newborn Baby Kidnapped From Home
A woman brutally attacked Stephanie Ochsenbine in her own home, snatching her precious week-old...