When most people go shopping at Barnes & Noble they leave the store with a bundle of bos, not a...
Tag - Labour and Delivery
Baby Greets World in Royal Navy Rescue Helicopter
For the second time in as many months, a newborn has chosen a rustic helicopter as their birthplace...
Mom in Israel Welcomes 14lb Baby!
This has been the Summer of the big baby! In August a Mexican mom welcomed a bouncing 14 pound, 8...
Appendicitis Turns Into Surprise Baby for Mom!
There are many different ways of knowing that you are pregnant -skipped periods, morning sickness...
Baby Girl makes a Chopper Entry into the World
Almost every day we hear about babies who choose to be born in parking lots or cars, but one baby...
Mexico Mom Welcomes 14lb 8oz Baby!
It is a season of big babies for the world. Just a month after a German baby girl became the...
It’s a Parking Lot Birth for Father and Daughter!
It is said history repeats itself. But that a historical moment can comeback in such surprising way...
Study: Women Better Cared for by Midwives During Pregnancy
A new review has found that women who have the care of a midwife all through their pregnancy have...
Baby Born on a Train in Germany
A woman on her way from Leipzig to Halle in Germany got the surprise of her life when her daughter...
Spanish Baby Tips The Scales at 13lbs 7ozs!
Just two weeks after a German mom welcomed a 13.47lb baby naturally, a Spanish mom has done the...
Baby Girl Born Weighing Almost 14 Pounds!
For doctors at the Armstrong County Memorial Hospital in Kittanning, it was a ivery worth...