Measles, a disease many thought was largely a thing of the past, is making a concerning comeback in...
Tag - measles outbreak
Five Children At Illinois Daycare Diagnosed with Measles
In the wake of a measles outbreak in California, and a heated debate on vaccinations, 5 children in...
California Measles Outbreak ~ Officials Confirm 49 Cases in 2014
In all of 2013 the state of California reported 15 cases of measles. Officials are now extremely...
Study: Delaying Baby’s First Measles Vaccine may Ensure Better Immunity Throughout Childhood
We recently d a study in which researchers found that the risks of adverse effects from a measles...
Discredited Research that Tied MMR Vaccine to Autism has Lasting Negative Effects
When we are sick, we lo to doctors to heal us. When we need information about our health, we expect...