For eight years, Emma and her partner tried to conceive. Finally, they discovered that Emma was...
Tag - Miracle Baby
Woman Hit by Tow Truck Delivers Miracle Baby
Crossing First Avenue N near Williams Park in Tampa Bay, 36-year-old Jenny Quiles was hit by a tow...
Miracle Mom-to-be Goes From Being Paralyzed to Expecting a Baby!
For Liz Mitchell, the day that altered every facet of her life had started out just like any other;...
Miracle Baby Saved with Plastic Sandwich Bag Well on the Road to Recovery
Just three months ago, little Emily Cressey and her mother, Claire Cressey, started their harrowing...
Pennsylvania Newborn has 7lb Growth Removed From His Skull
When Jen Sheridan was 14 week pregnant doctors told the mom her baby wasn't going to make it.
Best of 2013 – Our Little Fighters
With 2013 coming to a close, we’d like to celebrate the survival of some of the smallest and...
Colombian Newborn Comes Back from the Dead
Ten hours after a newborn was declared dead, a baby girl in Colombia showed signs of life when her...
‘Miracle’ Baby Born Amidst the Rubble of Leyte Typhoon
More than 10,000 people are thought to be dead after typhoon Haiyan, but one little life has just...
Little Fighter with Severe Congenital Disorder Defying the Odds
most parents, Jessica and Josh Swainston were excited to discover they were having a baby. But when...
One-Year-Old Girl Survives 100 Foot Fall that Killed Both Her Parents
Near Waegitaler Lake, a small family ascended up the Baerlaui Alp in Switzerland in a cable car...
Baby Survives Despite Doctors Removing his Life Support
It was a nightmare no mother would like to experience. Sam Baker was told by doctors that the baby...