All preemies have than their of obstacles to overcome, but the smaller and premature a baby is, the...
Tag - NICU
Music Therapy and Lullabies Have Positive Health Effects for Preemies and Promote Parental Bonding
Countless studies have highlighted the many benefits of music therapy. Those suffering from...
Sleep Apnea May be Harmful to Both Mother and Baby, Study Says
Sleep apnea isn’t good for anyone, but a new study says it may be even riskier for a pregnant woman...
Botox Helps Save a Premature Baby’s Life
Born a preemie at 26 weeks was difficult enough for Maci Van Riesen but what the baby girl also...
Mom’s Voice Good For Premature Baby’s Health
It is known that babies inside the womb can hear their mom’s voice and even respond to her rhythmic...
Surviving Triplet, Born Weighing 600 Grams Beats Odds, Goes Home
Any baby born before 36 weeks runs the risks of complication from their premature arrival, but...
Miracle Baby Returns to the NICU With a Gift 16 Years Later
Most teenagers want a car or other expensive ten item for their birthdays – but not 16-year-old...
UK’s Smallest Twin Born at 23 Weeks Joins Parents At Home
There has been a lot of talk about whether doctors should resuscitate a baby that is born before...
The 23 Week Controversy
This week there has been a lot of talk about resuscitating babies born before 24 weeks and whether...
Love, Luck and Care Help Baby Born at 23 Weeks Survive
Chelsey Hansbrough was due to arrive on 2nd February but instead came into the world on 8th October...
Reading Helps Parents Bond With Their Babies While in The NICU
Parents often read to their children as a way to spend time together and bond. According to a new...