Measles, a disease many thought was largely a thing of the past, is making a concerning comeback in...
Tag - Ontario
Cambridge Hospital Welcomes Biggest Baby in Over a Decade
Cambridge Memorial Hospital recently celebrated the arrival of its biggest newborn in over ten...
Homeless Birth: Cambridge Mom Gives Birth In Abandoned Factory
As the temperatures dropped to -12 in Cambridge, Ontario, police and paramedics were called to an...
Evan Leversage, Boy Who Inspired Town’s Christmas Celebration Early, Passes Away From Cancer
Evan Leversage, the little boy who inspired his entire hometown to get into the holiday and throw a...
Town Brings Christmas Early for Terminally Ill Child
It didn’t feel like autumn in St. George, Ontario on October 24th. The small town banded together...
Alarming 15 Fold Increase in Ontario Newborns Suffering Opiate Withdrawal
Drug addiction—be it to street drugs or pharmaceuticals—can be dangerous enough for one person, but...
Advanced Technology Helps Legally Blind Mother See Baby Boy after Birth
That first moment when you see your child—their face, their tiny fingers and toes, how much hair...
Kristen Bell Shows Off Her Growing Belly At The Toronto Film Festival!
Actress Kristen Bell showed off her growing belly in a ed jumper by Etro on Thursday(September 4)...
Ontario Family Raising Funds for Experimental Cancer Treatment that Could Save Their Daughter’s Life
Six-year-old Anya has been fighting leukemia for more than half her life. At the age of two, she...
Toddler Recovering After Being Left Alone in House That Went Up In Flames
When Ella Shepherd called 911 to report the house fire, she had no idea she'd be saving a baby's...
Toronto Baby Born Weighing 14lbs 4ozs!
When Christina Totera developed gestational diabetes during her pregnancy, she expected her baby to...