Last week we posted an article outlining 5 Reasons Families Should Get a Dog. Further supporting...
Tag - Pets
5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Good for Families
While not every family has a pet, those that do tend to reap several benefits. But why choose a dog...
Study: Pets Improve Social Skills for Children with Autism
When you have a child with autism (or any disability), therapy dogs are a wonderful addition to the...
Study Finds Dog Ownership Provides Young Children with Asthma and Allergy Protection Later in Life
Several studies have suggested that regular exposure to a dog early in life could carry some...
Autistic Children Show Improved Social Interaction and Behaviors When Animals are Present
The use of therapeutic pets has become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason...
Children More Interested in Live Animals than Toys
If you’ve ever considered adding a pet to your family, but dismissed the idea, a recent study may...
African Dwarf Frogs – Better Than Goldfish For Kids!
Goodbye goldfish, hello African Dwarf Frogs! These tiny, cute, and easy to care for amphibians are...
Buying the Kids a Pet Turtle? Know What You’re Getting Into
We all know that a pet should never be an impulse purchase. But, baby animals can be impossibly...
Family Dog Credited With Saving Lost Toddler
Doctors now believe that a Great Pyrenees dog was responsible for keeping a toddler safe and warm...