Many adults think that bullying is the subject of Junior High and High School. For many children...
Tag - pre-schooler
Garden Fresh Play Fruits & Veggies Offer Developmental Benefits+
Just after we bought our kids their play kitchen at Christmas I picked up these cool velcro fruit...
8 Reasons Why The iPad Is Perfect For My 4-Year-Old
When Apple revealed their plans to introduce the iPad I was thrilled. Apple products have been a...
Is Self-Regulation the Key to Academic Success?
Over the past few years, a number of studies have confirmed that self-regulation, even than IQ...
Chasing After Your Kids Doesn’t Count as a Workout
Being a mom usually requires swapping the treadmill at the gym for sing-along time at Gymboree; and...
Firemen Rescue 4-Year-Old From Locked Mailbox
An adventurous pre-schooler found himself in a bit of a spot after he crawled into a box and it...