Karla Perez, 22, was loing forward to the birth of her second child, but then, at just 22 weeks...
Tag - pregnancy complications
Preterm Birth Identified as Leading Cause of Death in Young Children
There are a lot of tragedies that can happen in the first years of life, but according to a...
Mom in Coma and Twin Girls on Life Support after Sudden Pregnancy Complications
Jocelyn Bennett lies in a coma. Her twin girls are on life support, and if Jocelyn doesn’t wake...
Sharp Rise of Women Over Age 50 Giving Birth Raises Concerns among NHS Midwives
For some time now, we’ve known that women are waiting longer to have children. Some of them do so...
Study: Cardiac Arrest during Pregnancy Underreported
There are many risks during childbirth; cardiac arrest is one of them. Excessive bleeding, heart...
California Newborn Survives Being Born With Extreme Blood Loss
After nine months of planning, classes and reading bos, new parents can still be surprised by the...
Task Force Officially Endorses Diabetes Testing for All Pregnant Women
Testing for gestational diabetes has been recommended by some medical groups for a while now, and...
Researchers Find Increase Risk of Complications for First Time Mothers as Early as Age 30
In many developed countries, couples are waiting to have children. For some, it’s about pursuing a...
Weight of Pregnant Women Jeopardizes Health of Mother and Baby
Countless studies have highlighted the drawbacks to weight problems prior to and during pregnancy...
Strange Pregnancy Craving Causes Severe Heart Complications and Threatens Woman’s Life
Most women have cravings of some sort during pregnancy, and strange as they may be (pickle...
Screening Test for Detecting Pre-eclampsia at 15 Weeks to Start Clinical Trials
Pre-eclampsia is a prenatal condition that affects about 70,000 women per year, and about 3% of all...