Babies that are born only a few weeks early are often cared for like full-term babies, according to...
Tag - Premature Babies
Doctors In Remote Areas Use The iPhone to Diagnose Babies With ROP
There's an app for that! The iPhone is proving to be a great device for doctors in remote areas...
The Spicocchi Quintuplets Are Home For the Holidays
Born four months early in August, the Spicocchi quintuplets are all home and doing well for...
$25 Sleeping Bag Incubator Could Reduce Infant Mortality In Developing World
A challenge, spearheaded by Stanford University’s Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability...
Reading Helps Parents Bond With Their Babies While in The NICU
Parents often read to their children as a way to spend time together and bond. According to a new...
One Blood Donor Saved Hundreds Of Premature Babies
John Park has been donating blood for 26 years in his Nashville, Tennessee home. During that time...
Ohio Quintuplets Born in August Making Good Progress!
A set of quintuplets, born on August 3rd, are doing well and are expected to be strong enough to go...
Mother Expecting One Prematurely Gives Birth to Twins at Home
Six months into her pregnancy Fortunate Valkira was told by the nurses at the Hospital in...
Premature Baby Quadruplets Reunited
Much to their parents ight, a set of quadruplets, who were born in January, have been re-united at...
New Device May Help Predict Preterm Births
Students of the Hopkins University have come up with a device that could avoid a preterm birth and...
Mother With Dwarfism First In UK To Have Twins
Kirsty Fowler is a special kind of mother to her sons, Freddie and Jack. So special that she's...