Pregnant with her first child, Jordan Thiering has thought of everything. The baby's room is ready...
Tag - uses for placenta
Researchers: No Proven Health Benefits From Consuming Placenta
Placentophagy, the practice of eating the placenta after giving birth has become popular in recent...
Newborn’s Health Influenced Significantly by the Placenta
We know it as the organ that connects the developing fetus to to the uterine wall to allow...
5 Interesting Things Women Do With Their Placenta
For expectant moms, the placenta is the organ joining them and their baby. Once the baby has...
New Type Of Stem Cell In Amniotic Fluid, Placenta
U.S. scientists say they have isolated a new type of stem cell from amniotic fluid surrounding the...
Mom Eats Placenta To Prevent Postpartum Depression
After giving birth to her daughter, one mom’s husband dutifully prepared her first postnatal...