Every year in Canada, around 45,000 women who have previously had a C-section face the difficult...
Tag - VBAC
Mother Sues Hospital for Forcing her to Have a C-Section Against her Wish
Rinat Dray wanted to give birth naturally after two c-sections but when she arrived at the Staten...
Study: Two-Thirds of Women Who Attempt VBAC are Successful
If you’ve previously had a Cesarean section but would like to try to attempt a vaginal birth (VBAC)...
Amish Birthing Center May Hold Secret to Reducing Cesarean Rates
For years, experts have been concerned about the rising cesarean rate throughout much of the world...
Study: Moms-to-be Uninformed About Delivery Options After Caesarean Section
Nearly one-third of the children born in the United States today are born by C-section. Many...
New Guidelines Give C-section Moms a Choice of Vaginal Delivery
The myth surrounding a cesarean birth is that if once a woman has a C-section, she has to have the...
Mom Refuses C-Section Against Doctor’s Orders
Aneka is a proud mom of four, enjoying the bliss of her newborn baby. But to some, she is . She is...
ACOG Agrees VBACs Are Safe For Most Women
For years attempting a vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC) was considered too dangerous to try...